Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 Emergency Access Advisory Committee (EAAC) Meeting Minutes: June 14, 2013 Welcome remarks and the roll call were made by EAAC Co-Chairs David Dzumba and Richard Ray. The attendee list is attached to these minutes as Appendix A. The Agenda for this meeting is attached as Appendix B. The minutes of the March 1, 2013 were approved, following a motion to accept the minutes as proposed made by Paul Michaelis, and seconded by Joel Ziev. Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau (CGB), provided an update on the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) regarding recent proposed rulemaking activity on Section 204 and 205 to improve accessibility of video programming devices and navigational menus and the VRS Reform Order which invites input about emergency call protocols. Information was shared about the M- Enabling Briefing Day at the FCC Headquarters and the 2-day summit co-hosted with the G3ICT where approximately 450 people from over 30 countries participated to learn about accessible wireless technology. Tim May, with the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB), provided an overview of the Text-to-911 rulemaking proceeding, consumer outreach efforts, and other Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau (PSHSB) activities of interest to the EAAC. Mr. May reviewed the various Text-to-911 trials across the nation, and the bounce-back requirement when such services are unavailable. Roger Hixson with National Emergency Number Association (NENA) and Cheryl King (CGB) reviewed nationwide activities and proposed timelines of the NENA Coordination Group for Text-to-911 including its efforts to conduct outreach to consumers with disabilities and the general public to ensure a seamless roll-out and implementation of the SMS Text-to-911 interim solution. Henning Schulzrinne, PSHSB, discussed issues surrounding location accuracy, as one of the greatest technical and organizational challenges ahead, emerging technology, and next steps and goals with the transition to a mostly mobile text communication environment. After lunch, Peter Musgrove with AT&T provided a report on the progress of the ATIS/TIA Joint SMS-to-911 Standard, which is being developed in order to create the same SMS-to-911 treatment nationwide regardless of phone technology type or mobile operator. The J-STD-110 has been published in March 2013 to define requirements, architecture, and procedures and available at the ATIS Document Center. The longer term standards-based solution is Multimedia Messaging Emergency Services (MMES) and will be addressed by ATIS in 3Q2013. 2Zenji Nakazawa (PSHSB) and Suzy Rosen Singleton (CGB) led a facilitation discussion on EAAC’s outstanding issues and possible next steps. General agreement was that continued collaboration among the stakeholders is needed to address the various evolving and emerging issues related to the transition to NG911. In particular, work is needed to ensure effective outreach to consumers, industry, public safety sector representatives, and to develop technical best practices and standards (such as for the proposed Media Communication Line Services, interoperability, and NG911). The Commission indicated its profound appreciation for the work to date and its hope for ways to continue such invaluable work. The subcommittees on NENA i3 NG911 Gaps, TTY Transition Issues, and Timeline Alignment then reviewed their respective reports for review and approval. Subcommittee #5 report “NENA i3 NG911 Gaps” is still being finalized and further input will be accepted until Monday, June 17, 2013. If necessary, a teleconference will be scheduled to resolve any remaining issues. The report will be submitted for the record by July 14, 2013. The EAAC approved three reports: the Subcommittee #6 reports “TTY users and NG911 PSAPs” and “Use of TTYs in Legacy 911 PSAPs”, and the Subcommittee #7 report “Timeline Alignment”. During the call for public comment, Julie Anne Schafer, Esq., Director of Public Policy and Advocacy for the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, provided comments. Ms. Schafer shared comments about the report on Media Communications Line Services as it relates to sign language interpreters: their roles, certification, standards, best practices with trilingual interpreting, and the need to include the RID and/or members of the interpreting community for future work involving interpreting services. On behalf of the EAAC, Co-Chair Richard Ray thanked sponsors TeleCommunications Systems, Inc. for providing breakfast, and the National Association of the Deaf and the TDI for providing lunch. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. [The above minutes have been approved by the EAAC by email, July 9, 2013.] 3Appendix A EAAC Meeting on Friday, June 14, 2013 Attendance in person and on conference bridge Bernard Aboba X Angel Arocho X Shellie Blakeney X Brian Daly X Toni Dunne X David Dzumba X Jean-Paul Emard X Matthew Gerst X Kevin Green X Eric Hagerson X Gunnar Hellstrom X Gay Jones X Brendan Kasper X Marte Kinder X Cheryl King X Chris Littlewood X Bruce McFarlane X Robert Mather X Timothy May X Paul Michaelis X Christian Militeau X Don Mitchell X Peter Musgrove X Zenji Nakazawa X Donna Platt X Richard Ray X Brian Scarpelli X Henning Schulzrinne X Susan Sherwood X Suzy Rosen Singleton X Alfred Sonnenstrahl X Karen Peltz Strauss X Gregg Vanderheiden X Christian Vogler X Norm Williams X Joel Ziev X Also in attendance were subject matter experts serving on subcommittee(s): Roger Hixson and Kathy McMahon 4Appendix B Federal Communications Commission Emergency Access Advisory Committee (EAAC) Working Agenda1 June 14, 2013 10:30 a.m. EST Welcome, Introductions and Attendance (EAAC Co-Chairs David Dzumba and Richard Ray) Consider and approve minutes from previous meeting Update on CVAA and Report on the M-Enabling Summit (CGB - Karen Peltz Strauss) Report on Text-to-911 “Bounce Back” Report & Order and remaining issues in the rulemaking proceeding, and other Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau activities of interest to the EAAC (PSHSB – Tim May) Report on and Discussion about NENA Coordination Group for Text-to-911 including consumers with disabilities outreach and general public outreach efforts (NENA - Roger Hixson, CGB - Cheryl King) Discussion of ATIS/TIA Joint SMS Standard (ATIS/TIA - Peter Musgrove) Discussion of location accuracy rulemaking (PSHSB - Henning Schulzrinne) 12:00 p.m. EST Break for lunch Discussion on specific issues considered outstanding, and possible next steps for continuing the EAAC’s mission (Facilitated discussion led by PSHSB - Zenji Nakazawa/CGB -Suzy Rosen Singleton) Review and approval of outstanding subcommittees’ final reports · SC5: NENA i3 NG911 Gaps · SC6: TTY users and NG911 PSAPs; Use of TTYs in Legacy 911 PSAPs · SC7: Timeline Alignment Wrap-up discussion about the EAAC’s Subcommittees efforts and reports Call for public comment 3:30 p.m. EST Adjourn meeting 1 There may be changes in the order of agenda items as the meeting progresses.