JOE MANCHIN III ...." "'"""" -- --"'''-TOO, <><:DO" 1I0" ,,'-""" Bnittd ,stattS ,smatt WASHINGTON. DC 2fl5t(l.-4OO4 June 24, 2013 ENE~GY ""0 NATURAL "ESOlJfICIS COMMlTT"EE AllIdEO SEIl\IJC[S COMMlTlU SPEClAL CQMMlTlU ON AGING .....""'G. HQUS"'G, A"O U"tw< AFfAJ.S COMM'fTH Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn Federal Communications Conunission Olliee or lhe Chirwoman 445 12t!l Street. SW Washington. DC 20554-0005 Dear Chairwoman Clyburn: Thc wireless industry is a key economic driver for our count!,)' and for my state. However, with demand for mobile data proje<:ted to increase 50"/. annually for the next decade. it is crilical lhat the Federal Communications Conmlission ensure that more spectrum capacity reaches the hands of consumers as quickly as possible to meet this demand, While fr<.-cing up more spectrum. the Commission should also ensure that cOnStUllers in e\'ery nook and cranny of this count!')' han' the opportunit), to access faster, more reliable and more affordable mobile broadband, A pragmatic short-tenn pathway for the Commission to tllCrea,e competilion and bring spectrum 10 market is by takmg immediate aclion on lIS consider-Ilion of lightSqUaIed's proposal to deploy a nationwide wireless broadband network, Not only would the company's proposal bring new mobile broadband speclntm online for Americans in the next few years, it would also generate significanl competition "ithin the wireless industry as competilive resellers and device manufaelllrerS would he able to usc LightSquarcd's spectrum capacity to provide customers with quality high-spced mlernet access at more affordable prices_ The benefits of such competilion and increased speclrum to consumers cannOl be under<;late'd - especially 10 my Wesl Virginia constituents. It has been more than nine months since the company has proposed bringing stakeholders togelher in an elTon 10 lind II COn>ensus lhal "ill aHow the dcplo~mcnt of a new neXI generation broadband network. Given the public inleresl in averling a ,pectrum crunch and increa,ing consumer-oriented competition in the wirdess induslry, [slrongly urge you 10 work with LightSquarcd and other stakeholders in taking immediate action 011 this proposal. Please contact a member of my staff. Kinan Mehta. 31 202-224-3528 or kir!i!1l mehta'U'manchjn.:;enme,I!Qv if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and I look forward 10 your favorable response. With Wann Regards,