DAN MAFFEI 24TH DISTRICT, NEW YORK COMMITTEES ARMED SERVICES SUBCOMMITTEES INTELLIGENCe, EMERGING THREATS "'NO CAPABILITIES TACTICAL AIR AND LAND FORceS SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY SUBCOMMITTEES OVERSIGHT, RANKING MEMBER SPACE Received & InspectQQ (fCongtt~~ of tbt Itntteb ~tatee20\3~ouse of l\epusentahbdUG3 mmla5!Jington, ill[ 20515-3:fiGC Mail Room August 21, 2013 OFFICES: 422 CANNON HOUSE OFFiCE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225-3701 1 CLINTON SQUARE , 00 NORTH SALINA STREET SYRACUSE, NY 13202 (315) 423-6657 The Honorable Mignon Clyburn Acting Chariwoman Federal Communications Commission 445 lih Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Acting Chairwoman Clyburn: Time Warner Cable is the dominant cable and internet provider in the district I represent in Central New York. I am writing to express my concern about the ongoing dispute between CBS and Time Warner Cable over retransmission consent fees, Time Warner Cable video subscribers and broadband internet subscribers are experiencing blackouts of CBS content. There are reports that CBS is blocking access to its internet content for Time Warner Cable internet customers. Consumers that rely on Time Warner Cable services deserve the same access to content that is available to other consumers, and I am concerned that consumers in my district are being unfairly burdened by this ongoing dispute, A person's choice of cable or internet provider should not limit his or her access to internet sites and content that are available to other consumers, To be clear, I am not picking sides in this dispute, but I want to encourage both sides to continue negotiations in good faith, I ask the Commission take steps to bring the parties together so these negotiations can be concluded promptly and fairly. The public would be best served by a timely resolution to this issue, so that consumers are no longer caught in the middle. Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter. Sincerely, Dan Maffei Mernber of Congress PAINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER maffei.hauss.gov