ctommitttt all irranliportation nnll .Jnfral3itructurt ll.&. 'HOUl3it of Etprtl3itntatiuts Dl.uqillylun. ilC!i 2-D:;;' 15 June 3. 2013 "'I,t:t. bljaU, n bat/·a ...... .0.- ....... _ .......... Acting O1airman 'l!goon CI~bum Federal Communications Commission 44512th:>lreet,SW Washl:l~.DC 2055~ Uea, Acting Chairman Mignon Clyburn \\ e "n'e lU <:."rrt'5.S ow inICre5ll11 !he I cdcr;ll Communications <':ommi~i''11 (FCCI ~('It,ce of Proposed Rulemaklllg 10 furtheT open the 5 GH£ band for uSoe b~ unli~cnSC'd "ueles. dC"'CC1i Specifically. we are focused on the 5 85-5925 Gilt band rcse"cd for Dedicated Shun Hange Communication syslems These ~yslenlS enable reaHune c(>JnJnunicalion .:lllIonl/. \~hiclcs and t~ 1T:lJl"'flOlWion in~trul:llm: "ith the i;o;l.l of enhancllli; >cbic Ie salC1)_ During a bipartisan roundtahlc di~cussion conducted by Ihe Subcommittcc on High"ays and rran~il on Ma} 7. 2013. !he Subcomrnmee .pokc "llh a "ide vanely of slakeholders alll'Ul lhe opportunities and challenges assoo;iated wilh the FCCs proposal 10 open this ~"'1I oflhc digi1l11 spectrum to unlicens.ed USl.'l"S_ The OIlC,"", helmlllg consensus of lhe<;(" S1:akchol