AMY KLOBUCHAR MINNESOTA COMMITIEES: AGRICULTURE, NUTRITION, AND FORESTRY COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION JOINT ECONOMIC COMM ITIEE JUDICIARY RULES AND ADM INISTRATION The Honorable Tom Wheeler Chairman tlnitrd ~tatrs ~rnatr WASHINGTON, DC 20510 May 20,2014 Federal Communications Commission 445 lih Street S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 Dear Chairman Wheeler: I am writing in support of your efforts to include rural broadband experiments as part of your January 31 , 2014 Technology Transitions Order. Broadband access should be available to all Americans, regardless of where they live. I request that you give careful consideration to the 64 expressions of interest from rural Minnesota telecommunications providers. With a helping hand from the FCC to boost broadband access and deployment, I believe that these proposed experiments will result in the discovery of new and efficient ways of providing broadband access to small towns and rural areas. Allowing rural providers to experiment and find local solutions to improve access to broadband will ensure that businesses, families and students can utilize these connections to help boost local economies and compete in a global marketplace. As our legacy phone systems age and we transition to a digital era it is critically important to bring broadband to all comers of the country. The increasing importance of broadband has a direct impact on our nation's competitiveness, economy, and national security. Just as innovative entities in Minnesota worked to bring electricity and telephone service to every home in the 1930s, we must now ensure in today's 21st century economy that every home and business has access to high speed, affordable internet. Thank you for your efforts to expand rural broadband internet access and your careful consideration of the expressions of interest submitted by Minnesota entities for the rural broadband experiments. Sincerely, ~ lL\~ buchar United States Senator 519