tinitcd ~tatcs ~cnatr The Honorable Thomas Wheeler Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12111 Street, NW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chaim1an Wheeler: WASHINGTON, OC 20510 Jul y 10,20 14 We write regarding the Commiss ion· s July II meeting to consider a Report and Order to modernize the E-Rate program and expand support for Wi-Fi connect ivity for schoo ls and libraries. We urge you to take into account the objecti ons raised to the Wi-Fi proposal in a .June 20, 20 14 letter signed by more than a dozen national education organizations representing E-Rate program beneliciaries as well as the rural spec ific concerns addressed in a letter dated June 30. 20 14 signed by six organizations representing rura l schools. In addi tion. we hope you will give spccial considerati on to the Ju ly 8. 20 14 lette r from Senators Rockefe ller and Markey. We agree with the view·s raised in these let ters. We oppose any proposal that would change the E-Rate distribution mechanism to one that provides funding based on a per-student or per-square foot calculation fo r Wi-Fi. Such a formu la vvo uld disadvantage rural school and libraries. We also oppose modifying the program·s poverty calculation from school-based to di stri ct -based because it is less responsive to meeting the needs of a specific schoo l. We hope the Commission will make changes to the proposal in response to these concerns bel'o re moving forward with 1-> Ratc modernizat ion. Thank you for your consideration. Sincere ly. Debbie Stabeno\\' Carl Levin