ENERGY AND COMM€RCE COMMIÏTEE HEALTH SuacoMMtrrEE RANKING MEMAEß ENVTRoNMENT AND THE EcoNoMY SuBcoMMtñEE coMMUNrc^TroNs aND TEcHNoLoGYI sru.o"",rreu I NATURAT RESOURCES COMMITTEE: FrsHERrEs, WTLDLTFÉ, OcEANS AND lNsuLAR AÉFArRs SuacoMMrneË DEMOCRATIC POLICY COMMITTEE: Couvuru¡cnltorus Cnarn RËPLY To: WASHTNGToN OFFrc€: I I 237 CaNNoN HousE OFFTCE EurLDtNG WAsHrNGroN, DC 205'l 5-3006 TETEPHONE; 12021 225-467 1 D¡srRrcr Orrrces: Tor.L-FREE NUMaÉR: (888) 423-1 l40 D 504 BRoaDw Y LoNG BRANcH, NJ 07740 (7321 571-1140 tr 67/69 cBUßcH SrnEÊr KILMER SOUARE NEw ERUNswrcK, NJ 0890'l 11321 249-8892 (ffitsbíngton, Ð@ 2 o 5 I 5-3 006 December 18,2014 The Honorable Tom Wheeler Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 lzth Street, NW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Wheeler: I am writing in reference to the pending decision to select a Local Number Portability Administrator (LNPA) to begin service on July I,2015. I urge you to take all appropriate measures to bring a fair and thorough selection process to a close. One of the main stated purposes of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is to "promote competition and reduce regulation in order to secure lower prices...." For more than a decade, the LNPA had not been subject to an open, competitive bidding process. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) decided to issue a new Request for Proposal (RFP) to enable multiple vendors to bid in accordance with the 1996 Act. My office has been informed that the result of the competitive process the FCC's numbering advisory committee, the North American Numbering Council (NANC), was a recommendation that Telcordia (dba iConectiv) be designated as the next LNPA by a unanimous vote. As stated on the FCC's website "the NANC advises the Commission and makes recommendations, reached through consensus, that foster efficient and impartial number administration. The NANC is composed of representatives of telecommunications carriers, regulators, cable providers, VoIP providers, industry associations, vendors and consumer advocates." Furthermore, the FCC has moved forward by soliciting and receiving comments on NANC's recommendation. I am aware that those comments include support for NANC's recommendation from the North American Portability Management, LLC (NAPM). As you know, NAPM was created at FCC's direction "to negotiate and manage the contracts for LNP administration," including "immediate oversight and management" of the LNP administrator(s) in accordance with orders and directions from the FCC." Finally, it is my understanding that for each day a transition is delayed beyond July I ,2015 it would cost consumers and industry an additional $l million. If accurate, this estimate adds to the compelling case for a timely decision with regard to this matter. FRANK PALLONE, JN. 6TH DISTRICT, NEW JERS€Y [,ongrøø of tISe Mniteù Stateø Tbouse of ßepredentgtibtø PRINTEO ON RECYCTED PAPÊN 1308 Thank you in advance for your serious consideration of my views. I understand that there are numerous, important considerations that you must weigh in determining which entity to designate as the number portability adminisfator, including cos! reliability, security, competition and the impact on consumers. I look forward to hearing from you on this matter and hope for swift resolution that will benefit oonsumers. Sincerely, fi I 1"J?"ll*l FRANKPALLONE, JR. I Member of Congress I