Received & Inspected DEC 'I ~ ZU14 ((ongre55 of tbe mlntteb ~tatmfC Mail Room rt}ousc of l\cprcscntatibcs wmtasbington, 11B~ 20515 The Honorable Thomas Wheeler Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 l21h Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Wheeler: December 5, 2014 " • As you know, the media marketplace continues to evolve in new and exciting ways. Internet speeds and access continue to grow, and consumers have more cable channels and online media options. However, access to these opportunities remains a challenge for many- particularly the most rural Americans not yet reached by the fastest broadband and seniors who continue to access video content solely through television. In addition to technological challenges, consumers' do not always have the ability to access locally-important rural television content. While we understand there are business reasons for programmers to focus 'on .urban and suburban demogrqphics, rural-focused channels providing rural news, colninunity~focused event coverage, anc~ family prqgramming h"av:e a demonstrated record of success. In addition, such channels fill a need in rural communities which is frequently unfilled by more urban competitors, such as television coverage of agricultural news important to farmers and ranchers. For this reason, we respectfully request you and the Commission remain mindful of the challenges faced by rural Americans as yo)l consider issues before the Commission. We remain committed to working with you to en·sure all Americans have the .opportunity t~ acces~ the . content most relevant to their work, families, and communities. Thank you for your consideration of our. request. Sincerely,! PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER 1290 0Jt c-DQ.......__:, ~ ~13~ Hr fiLJ~ 02 ___ -// Q QJ . , ~~,!,~===...