Federal Communications Commission CAFII - Final Adopted Model for Offer of Model - Based Support to Price Cap Carriers - CAM 4.3 Micronesian Telecom - Offer by State showing Location Obligation April 29, 2015 State Cap Locations in Census Blocks Subject to Offer of Model-Based Phase II Funding Offer of Support to Price Cap Carrier Micronesian Telecom Total 11,143 2,627,177$ MP 11,143 2,627,177 1 County Name Homes and Businesses Supported County Carrier Total Support Rota Municipality, MP 852 973,948 Saipan Municipality, MP 9,268 1,153,549 Tinian Municipality, MP 1,023 499,680 Federal Communications Commission CAF II - CAM 4.3 - Micronesian Telecom by County August 2015 2