Page 1 of 2 Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions Format Possible Entries/ Example Entries Text - YYYY_MM 2012_06 to 2015_08 Integer 22 Float 1.24 Float 1.12 Float 1.10E subs_ratio Ratio of the percentage of MVPD Service subscribers to whom Charter distributes the network to the percentage of MVPD Service subscribers to whom TWC distributes the network during the month (-1 for undefined) Attachment E "Video Programming" Table (for set of specified national networks that are provided to all subscribers) For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide data by network as requested in the table below. Please include all networks that at least 90 percent of expanded basic video subscribers, for both Charter and TWC, receive. contracted_per_sub_fee_ratio Ratio of contracted per-subscriber fee that Charter agreed to pay for the network during the relevant time period to the contracted per-subscriber fee that TWC agreed to pay for the network during the month (-1 for undefined) C B The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. network_id Randomly-generated identifier chosen by third party (-1 to represent ratio of total per sub programming costs across all reported networks) Column Variable Name Description A date The month for which the data is being collected. If information is not collected monthly for programming costs, please specify the range D actual_per_sub_fee_ratio Ratio of actual per-subscriber fee that Charter paid for the network during the relevant time period to the actual per-subscriber fee that TWC paid for the network during the month (-1 for undefined) Page 2 of 2 Network Contracted rate Actual rate Contracted rate Actual rate X $2.21 $2.25 $1.88 $1.90 Y $1.63 $1.58 $1.71 $1.75 Z $0.52 $0.44 $0.40 $0.42 Network ID X 2 Y 1 Z 3 date network_id contracted_per_sub_fee_ratio actual_per_sub_fee_ratio subs_ratio 2012_06 1 0.95 0.90 1.10 2012_06 2 1.18 1.18 1.10 2012_06 3 1.30 1.05 1.10 2012_06 -1 1.09 1.05 1.10 Suppose also that the third party randomly (and secretly) assigns the following identifiers to the networks: Attachment E: Template and Instructions for "Video Programming" Table Due to the sensitivity of programming payment information, this table will need to be produced by a third party that can view the programming contracts. An example follows. The table requests data on networks that at least 90 percent of the subscribers to the Expanded Basic video tier, on both Charter and TWC, receive. Suppose that there are three such networks. Call these networks "X," "Y," and "Z." The identifiers listed above will be used for the network_id field in the table that the third party will produce. In our example, the table will include the following rows for June 2012: Note that the last row in the sample table above, which has the entry "-1" in the network_id column, captures the ratios of simple (i.e., unweighted) sums, over all three requested networks, of the two companies' corresponding rates. The third party would have access to the contracted and actual payments that both companies made for these networks. Suppose that the per-subscriber rates for June 2012 are as shown below. TWCCharter