Page 1 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be design Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions In addition to this worksheet, this file contains the following worksheets: 1. Transit Sale Instructions 2. Transit Sale Template 3. Transit Purchase Instructions 4. Transit Purchase Template 5. Paid Peering Sales Instructions 6. Paid Peering Sales Template 7. Paid Peering Node Instructions 8. Paid Peering Node Template 9. Free Peer Traffic Instructions 10. Free Peer Traffic Template 11. Free Peer Node Instructions 12. Free Peer Node Template 13. Transit Purchase Node Instructions 14. Transit Purchase Node Template "Interconnection Data" Tables The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Page 2 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions "Sales of Transit Service" Table For each month beginning June 2012 through August 2015, provide data as requested in the table below In general, this table is intended to provide monthly data on transit service that the company sells to customers, separately by customer. Notes by Column: A, B, C: Any variation in Date and Customer Name or DBA Name necessitates the creation of a new, unique record. E, F: Provide a complete explanation of the methodology used to calculate utilization. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/ Example Entries Description A Date Text - YYYY_MM 2013_01 to 2015_08 The month for which the data is being collected. B Customer_Name Text ABC Technologies, Inc., Other Name of customer obtaining transit service offered by the Company. Aggregate data for customers other than the top 25 should be labeled "Other". C Customer_DBA_Name Text ABC, Other Name that customer uses when doing business with the Company. Aggregate data for customers other than the top 25 should be labeled "Other". D Capacity Float 500 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that customer can send/receive over the Company's network. E Utilization_In Float 280 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for inbound (ingress) traffic delivered via the Company measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. F Utilization_Out Float 120 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for outbound (egress) traffic delivered via the Company measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. G Total_Revenue Float $100,000 Total amount of money paid by customer to the Company during the month for transit service. H Non_Recurring_Revenue Float $20,000 Amount of money paid by customer to the Company for port installation and other charges which are not expected to be incurred on a regular basis in other months. I Recurring_Revenue Float $80,000 Amount of money other than non-recurring revenue that customer paid the Company during the month. If recurring revenue is contractually determined on an annual basis, divide annual recurring revenue by twelve. J Contract_Doc Text 43589764L Bates code used to identify the applicable contract in the response to the Information Request. K Contract_Start Text - YYYY_MM 2010_04 Date when transit service arrangement commenced. L Contract_End Text - YYYY_MM 2018_07 Date when transit service arrangement is set to end; 9999 if not applicable. The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Page 3 of 15 Date Customer_Name Customer_DBA_Name Capacity Utilization_In Utilization_Out Total_Revenue Non_Recurring_Revenue Recurring_Revenue Contract_Doc Contract_Start Contract_End 2014_02 ABC Technologies, Inc. ABC 500 Mbps 280 Mbps 120 Mbps $100,000 $20,000 $80,000 43589764L 2010_04 2018_07 … … … … … … … … … … … … Sales of Transit Service Template Attachment F: Template for "Sales of Transit Service" Table For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide the data as requested in the table below. Page 4 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions "Purchases of Transit Service" Table For each month beginning June 2012 through August 2015, provide data as requested in the table below. Data should be provided for all transit providers of the Company. In general, this table is intended to provide data on transit service that the Company purchases from other providers, separately by provider. Notes by Column: A, B, C: Any variation in Date and Provider Name or DBA Name necessitates the creation of a new, unique record. E, F: Provide a complete explanation of the methodology used to calculate utilization. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/ Example Entries Description A Date Text - YYYY_MM 2013_01 to 2015_08 The month and year for which the data is being collected. B Provider_Name Text ABC Technologies, Inc., Other Name of provider selling transit service to the Company C Provider_DBA_Name Text ABC, Other Name that provider uses when doing business with the Company D Capacity Float 500 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that the Company can send/receive over provider's network. E Utilization_In Float 280 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for inbound (ingress) traffic delivered via provider measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. F Utilization_Out Float 120 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for outbound (egress) traffic delivered via provider measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. G Total_Revenue Float $100,000 Total amount of money paid by the Company to provider during the month for transit service. H Non_Recurring_Revenue Float $20,000 Amount of money paid by the Company to provider for port installation and other charges which are not expected to be incurred on a regular basis in other months. I Recurring_Revenue Float $80,000 Amount of money other than non-recurring revenue that the Company paid provider during the month. If recurring revenue is contractually determined on an annual basis, divide annual recurring revenue by twelve. J Contract_Doc Integer 66789413J Bates code used to identify the applicable contract in the response to the Information Request. K Contract_Start Text - YYYY_ 2010_04 Date when transit service arrangement commenced. L Contract_End Text - YYYY_ 2018_07 Date when transit service arrangement is set to end; 9999 if not applicable. The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Page 5 of 15 Date Provider_Name Provider_DBA_Name Capacity Utilization_In Utilization_Out Total_Revenue Non_Recurring_Revenue Recurring_Revenue Contract_Doc Contract_Start Contract_End 2013_01 ABC Technologies, Inc. ABC 500 Mbps 280 Mbps 120 Mbps $100,000 $20,000 $80,000 66789413J 2010_04 2018_07 … … … … … … … … … … … … Purchases of Transit Service Template Attachment F: Template for "Purchases of Transit Service" Table For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide data as requested in the table below. Page 6 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions "Sales of Paid Peering" Table For each month beginning June 2012 through August 2015, provide data as requested in the table below. Data should be provided for all paid peering customers of the Company. In general this table is intended to provide data on paid peering sold by the Company, separately for each customer. Notes by Column: A, B, C: Any variation in Date and Customer Name or DBA Name necessitates the creation of a new, unique record. E, F: Provide a complete explanation of the methodology used to calculate utilization. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/Example Entries Description A Date Text - YYYY_MM 2013_01 to 2015_08 The month and year for which the data is being collected. B Customer_Name Text ABC Technologies, Inc., Other Name of customer obtaining paid peering offered by the Company C Customer_DBA_Name Text ABC, Other Name that customer uses when doing business with the Company D Capacity Float 400,000 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that customer can send/receive over the Company's network. E Utilization_In Float 5,000 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for inbound traffic to the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. F Utilization_Out Float 2,500 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for outbound traffic from the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. G Total_Revenue Float $100,000 Amount of money paid by customer to the Company during the month for paid peering service. H Non_Recurring_Revenue Float $20,000 Amount of money paid by customer to the Company for port installation and other charges which are not expected to be incurred on a regular basis in other months. I Recurring_Revenue Float $80,000 Amount of money other than non-recurring revenue that customer paid the Company during the month. If recurring revenue is contractually determined on an annual basis, divide annual recurring revenue by twelve. J Contract_Doc Text 56984863Q Bates code used to identify the applicable contract in the response to the Information Request. K Contract_Start Text - YYYY_MM 2010_04 Date when paid peering arrangement commenced. L Contract_End Text - YYYY_MM 2018_07 Date when paid peering arrangement is set to end; 9999 if not applicable. The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Page 7 of 15 Date Customer_Name Customer_DBA_Name Capacity Utilization_In Utilization_Out Total_Revenue Non_Recurring_Revenue Recurring_Revenue Contract_Doc Contract_Start Contract_End 2013_01 ABC Technologies, Inc. ABC 400,000 Mbps 5,000 Mbps 2,500 Mbps $100,000 $20,000 $80,000 56984863Q 2010_04 2018_07 … … … … … … … … … … … … Paid Peering Sales Table Attachment F: Template for "Sales of Paid Peering" Table For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide data as requested in the table below. Page 8 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions "Internet Traffic Exchange: Paid Peering Nodes" Table For each month beginning June 2012 through August 2015, provide data as requested in the table below. Data should be provided for all paid peering customers of the Company In general this table is intended to provide monthly data on IP point of presence locations and traffic for the Company’s sale of paid peering to customers, separately by customer and IP point of presence. Notes by Column: A, B, H, I, J: Any variation in Date, Facility Name, ASN, and Customer Name or DBA Name necessitates the creation of a new, unique record. L, M: Provide a complete explanation of the methodology used to calculate utilization. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/Example Entries Description A Date Text - YYYY_MM 2013_01 to 2015_08 The month and year for which the data is being collected. B Facility_Name Text Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) Name of facility where interconnection takes place. C Street_Address Text 600 W 7th St, 6th Floor Street address of facility where interconnection takes place. D City_Name Text Los Angeles City name of location of facility where interconnection takes place. E State_Abbreviation Text CA Two-letter State postal abbreviation for State of facility where interconnection takes place. F Zip Text 90017 Five-digit zipcode (with leading zeros) of facility where interconnection takes place. G Ownership Integer 0, 1 Whether the facility where interconnection takes place is independently owned facility (0) or a facility owned by the Company (1). H ASN Integer 7922 Autonomous system number used by the paid peering customer at the IP point of presence. I Customer_Name Text ABC Technologies, Inc. Name of customer obtaining paid peering offered by the Company J Customer_DBA_Name Text ABC, Other Name that customer uses when doing business with the Company K Node_Capacity Float 40,000 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that customer can send/receive over the Company's network from the IP point of presence where intereconnection takes place. L Node_Utilization_In Float 5,000 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for inbound (ingress) traffic to the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. M Node_Utilization_Out Float 2,500 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for outbound (egress) traffic from the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Page 9 of 15 Date Facility_Name Street_Address City_Name State_Abbreviation Zip Ownership ASN Customer_Name Customer_DBA_Name Node_Capacity Node_Utilization_In Node_Utilization_Out 2013_01 Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) 600 W 7th St, 6th Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 1 7922 ABC Technologies, Inc. ABC 40,000 Mbps 5,000 Mbps 2,500 Mbps … … … … … … … … … … … … … Attachment F: Template for "Paid Peer Node" Table For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide data as requested in the table below. Page 10 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions "Settlement-Free Peering Traffic" Table For each month beginning June 2012 through August 2015, provide data as requested in the table below. Data should be provided for every settlement-free peering relationship of the Company. In general, this table is intended to provide data on traffic and utilization due settlement-free peering. Notes by Column: A, B: Any variation in Date and Peer Name necessitates the creation of a new, unique record. F, G: Provide a complete explanation of the methodology used to calculate utilization. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/Example Entries Description A Date Text - YYYY_MM 2013_01 to 2015_08 The month and year for which the data is being collected. B Peer_Name Text ABC Technologies, Inc., Other Name of settlement-free peer engaged in settlement-free peering with the Company C Peer_DBA_Name Text ABC, Other Name that peer uses when doing business with the Company D Peer_Capacity Float 400,000 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that the Company can send/receive over peer's network without incurring penalty fees. E Company_Capacity Float 400,000 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that peer can send/receive over the Company network without incurring penalty fees. F Utilization_In Float 5,000 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for inbound traffic to the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. G Utilization_Out Float 2,500 Mbps The 95the percentile utilization in Mbps for outbound traffic from the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. H Peer_Penalty_Fees_Paid Float $2,000 Amount of money paid by peer to the Company for penalties or fees incurred during the month. I Company_Penalty_Fees_Paid Float $2,000 Amount of money paid by the Company to peer for penalties or fees incurred during the month. J Contract_Doc Text 25689743A Bates number of the applicable contract supplied in response to the Information Request. Use 9999 if there was no contract. K Contract_Start Text - YYYY_MM 2010_04 Date when the applicable settlement-free peering arrangement commenced. Use 9999 if there was no formal arrangement. L Contract_End Text - YYYY_MM 2018_07 Date when the applicable settlement-free peering was set to end. Use 9999 if not applicable. The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Page 11 of 15 Date Peer_Name Peer_DBA_Name Peer_Capacity Company_Capacity Utilization_In Utilization_Out Peer_Penalty_Fees_Paid Company_Penalty_Fees_Paid Contract_Doc Contract_Start Contract_End 2013_01 ABC Technologies, Inc. ABC 400,000 Mbps 400,000 Mbps 5,000 Mbps 2,500 Mbps $2,000 $2,000 25689743A 2010_04 2018_07 … … … … … … … … … … … … Settlement-Free Peering Traffic Table Attachment F: Template for "Settlement-Free Peering Traffic" Table For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide data as requested in the table below. Page 12 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions "Internet Traffic Exchange: Settlement-Free Peering Node" Table For each month beginning June 2012 through August 2015, provide the requested data on settlement-free peering at the IP point of presence in the "Settlement-Free Peering Node" table. Notes by Column: A, B, H, J, K: Any variation in Date, Facility Name, ASN, and Peer Name or DBA Name necessitates the creation of a new, unique record. L, M: Provide a complete explanation of the methodology used to calculate utilization. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/Example Entries Description A Date Text - YYYY_MM 2013_01 to 2015_08 The month and year for which the data is being collected. B Facility_Name Text Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) Name of facility where interconnection takes place. C Street_Address Text 600 W 7th St, 6th Floor Street address of facility where interconnection takes place. D City_Name Text Los Angeles City name of location of facility where interconnection takes place. E State_Abbreviation Text CA Two-letter State postal abbreviation for State of facility where interconnection takes place. F Zip Text 90017 Five-digit zipcode (with leading zeros) of facility where interconnection takes place. G Ownership Integer 0, 1 Whether the facility where interconnection takes place is an independently owned facility (0) or a facility owned by the Company (1). H ASN Integer 7922 Autonomous system number used by the peer with settlement-free peering at the IP point of presence. I Peer_Name Text ABC Technologies, Inc., Other Name of peer obtaining settlement-free peering offered by the Company J Peer_DBA_Name Text ABC, Other Name that peer uses when doing business with the Company K Node_Capacity Float 40,000 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that peer can send/receive over the Company's network from node where intereconnection takes place. L Node_Utilization_In Float 5,000 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for inbound traffic to the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. M Node_Utilization_Out Float 2,500 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for outbound traffic from the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Data should be provided for all settlement-free peering relationships of the Company. In general, this table is intended to provide monthly data on interconnection and traffic by settlement-free peering relationship and by IP point of presence. Page 13 of 15 Date Facility_Name Street_Address City_Name State_Abbreviation Zip Ownership ASN Peer_Name Peer_DBA_Name Node_Capacity Node_Utilization_In Node_Utilization_Out 2013_01 Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) 600 W 7th St, 6th Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 1 7922 ABC Technologies, Inc. ABC 40,000 Mbps 5,000 Mbps 2,500 Mbps … … … … … … … … … … … … … For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide data as requested in the table below. Internet Traffic Exchange: Settlement-Free Peering Node Table Attachment F: Template for "Internet Traffic Exchange: Settlement-Free Peering Node" Table Page 14 of 15 Attachment F Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions "Internet Traffic Exchange: Transit Purchase Node" Table Notes by Column: A, B, H, I, J: Any variation in Date, Facility Name, ASN, and Peer Name or DBA Name necessitates the creation of a new, unique record. L, M: Provide a complete explanation of the methodology used to calculate utilization. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/ Example Entries Description A Date Text - YYYY_MM 2013_01 to 2015_08 The month for which the data is being collected. B Facility_Name Text Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) Name of facility where interconnection takes place. C Street_Address Text 600 W 7th St, 6th Floor Street address of facility where interconnection takes place. D City_Name Text Los Angeles City name of location of facility where interconnection takes place. E State_Abbreviation Text CA Two-letter State postal abbreviation for State of facility where interconnection takes place. F Zip Text 90017 Five-digit zipcode (with leading zeros) of facility where interconnection takes place. G Ownership Integer 0, 1 Whether the facility where interconnection takes place is an independently owned facility (0) or a facility owned by the Company (1). H ASN Integer 7922 Autonomous system number used by the peer at the IP point of presence. I Peer_Name Text ABC Technologies, Inc., Other Name of entity selling transit services to the Company J Peer_DBA_Name Text ABC, Other Name that entity uses when doing business with the Company K Node_Capacity Float 40,000 Mbps Total traffic volume capacity in megabits per second (Mbps) that peer can send/receive over the Company's network from node where intereconnection takes place. L Node_Utilization_In Float 5,000 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for inbound traffic to the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. M Node_Utilization_Out Float 2,500 Mbps The 95th percentile utilization in Mbps for outbound traffic from the Company network measured using the average bandwidth utilized during five minute sampling intervals. See note above. The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. Data should be provided for all peers from which the Company purchased transit services. In general, this table is intended to provide data on interconnection and traffic by peers who sold transit services to the Company, by IP point of presence. For each month beginning June 2012 through August 2015, provide requested data on transit service at the IP point of presence in the "Transit Purchase Node" table. Page 15 of 15 Attachment F: Template for "Internet Traffic Exchange: Transit Purchase Node" Table Date Facility_Name Street_Address City_Name State_Abbreviation Zip Ownership ASN Peer_Name Peer_DBA_Name Node_Capacity Node_Utilization_In Node_Utilization_Out 2013_01 Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) 600 W 7th St, 6th Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 1 7922 ABC Technologies, Inc. ABC 40,000 Mbps 5,000 Mbps 2,500 Mbps … … … … … … … … … … … … … For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide data as requested in the table below. "Internet Traffic Exchange: Transit Purchase Node" Table