Page 1 of 2 Attachment C.4 Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions C begin_bundle Integer 1 to 7 The code for the Bundled Services that the number of subscribers in Column E had at the end of the previous month (1=standalone Telephone Service; 2=standalone MVPD Service; 3=standalone Internet Access Service; 4=MVPD and Telephone services; 5=MVPD and Internet Access services; 6=Telephone and Internet Access service; 7=Telephone, MVPD and Internet Access services) D end_bundle Integer 1 to 7 The code for the Bundled Services that the number of subscribers in Column E had at the end of the current month (1=standalone Telephone Service; 2=standalone MVPD Service; 3=standalone Internet Access Service; 4=MVPD and Telephone services; 5=MVPD and Internet Access services; 6=Telephone and Internet Access service; 7=Telephone, MVPD and Internet Access services) B zip Text 20427 Five-digit zip code (with leading zeros) for the service plan. (Use code 00000 for the Company as a whole) E subs Integer 10 Number of subscribers that correspond to each bundle combination defined by Columns C and D in the zip code and month The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. The table should include data on all of the Company's continuing subscribers. A continuing subscriber is a person that subscribed to one or more Company Cable Services at the end of the previous month who still subscribes to at least one Company Cable Service at the end of the current month. The table collects data on the number of continuing subscribers that had a given bundle at the end of the previous month (begin_bundle) that then had the indicated bundle at the end of the current month (end_bundle). The table should have 49 entries per zip code and month and should include counts of the subscribers that did not change their Bundled Services from the previous to the current month. A date Text - YYYY_MM 2012_06 to 2015_08 The month and year for which the data is being provided "Continuing Subs Data" Table For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide the subscriber data by zip code requested in the table below. Column Variable Name Format Possible Entries/ Example Entries Description Page 2 of 2 date zip begin_bundle end_bundle subs 2012_06 20427 1 1 20 2012_06 20427 1 2 0 2012_06 20427 1 3 1 2012_06 20427 1 4 11 2012_06 20427 1 5 12 2012_06 20427 1 6 13 2012_06 20427 1 7 20 2012_06 20427 2 1 0 2012_06 20427 2 2 20 2012_06 20427 2 3 1 2012_06 20427 2 4 11 2012_06 20427 2 5 12 2012_06 20427 2 6 13 2012_06 20427 2 7 20 2012_06 20427 3 1 0 2012_06 20427 3 2 20 Continuing Subs Data Template Attachment C.4: Template for "Continuing Subs Data" Table For each month beginning June 2012 and extending through August 2015, please provide the subscriber data by zip code requested in the table below. Notes: In the table below, the first row indicates that in June 2012 there were 20 subscribers in zip code 20427 that had standalone Telephone Service at the end of May 2012 and still had standalone Telephone Service at the end of June 2012. The second row indicates that no subscribers had standalone Telephone Service at the end of May 2012 and then had standalone MVPD Service at the end of June 2012. Columns A through D define a unique entry in this data.