Page 1 of 3 Attachment E Data Formatting All data should be submitted in a .csv (comma-delimited) format. The sheets in the workbook provide a template for how the tables should be designed. Data for all of the tables should be submitted on a periodic basis as specified in the instructions in individual tables. Formatting Instructions G subs Integer 100 Total number of subscribers on this service plan in this zip code at the end of the month H down_speed Float 3 The advertised downstream speed of the service plan in Mbps (-2 if unknown). ubp_date_start fee_for_usage_amount Description "Usage-Based Pricing Data" Table Variable Name Format Possible Entries/ Example Entries B zip Text 20427 Five-digit zip code (with leading zeros) A date E plan_name Text HD Preferred, Basic Video with Internet The service plan name associated with the service plan ID K amount_charge Integer 50 Amount in Gigabytes at which a new charge applies on this service plan in this zip code if usage-based pricing in effect in the month (-2 if not applicable) The required format for the entries in each column/field is indicated in the instructions for each sheet. Column entries in bold red indicate that the Company should enter only one of the possible entries listed for that column. No other entries should be entered. For each month in which usage-based pricing was effective and for each zip code identified in the Company's response to Request 2(a), and monthly for one year before and one year after usage-based pricing was in place, please provide the subscriber data for service plans that included Internet Access Service in the table below. N average_usage Integer 100 Average amount of data (in Gigabytes) used by subscribers on this service plan in this zip code in the month J ubp_date_end Text - YYYY_MM 2010_02 Text - YYYY_MM 2009_01 Date in which the Company began engaging in usage-based pricing on this service plan in this zip code (-2 if not applicable) Column I Text 6478931A A unique internal system service plan identifier for each service plan L Date in which the Company stopped engaging in usage-based pricing on this service plan in this zip code (-2 if not applicable) M Text - YYYY_MM 2009_01 The month and year for which the data is being collected C ubp_plan Integer 0, 1 Whether the service plan in this zip code was subject to usage-based pricing in the month (1) or not (0) Fee amount for usage over the allowed amount on this service plan in this zip code if usage-based pricing in effect in the month (-2 if not applicable) 10.99 Float F plan_offered Integer 0, 1 Whether the service plan was still offered as of August 2015 (1) or not (0) D plan_id usage_overage_amount Integer 50 Amount of additional data in Gigabytes included in fee for usage over the allowed amount on this service plan in this zip code if usage-based pricing in effect in the month (-1 if unlimited; -2 if not applicable) Page 2 of 3 usage_bin3 Float 12.1 100 Median amount of data (in Gigabytes) used by subscribers on this service plan in this zip code in the monthO median_usage Integer W subs_ubp_revenue Float 12354.33 Total revenue accruing to usage-based pricing overage charges in this zip code in the month (-2 if not applicable) Q usage_bin1 Float 60.3 Percentage of subscribers in zip code who used less than 50 Gigabytes of data in the month R usage_bin2 Float 10.7 Percentage of subscribers in zip code who used at least 50 Gigabytes, but less than 100 Gigabytes, of data in the month T usage_bin4 Float 11.8 Percentage of subscribers in zip code who used at least 200 Gigabytes, but less than 300 Gigabytes, of data in the month S Float 20.1 Percentage of subscribers on this service plan subject to usage-based pricing in this zip code that exceeded their data usage allowance in the month (-2 if not applicable) Possible Entries/ Example Entries Description V subs_ubp_transaction Integer 110 Total number of times the Company imposed a usage-overage charge in this zip code in the month (-2 if not applicable) U usage_bin5 Float 5.1 Percentage of subscribers in zip code who used 300 or more Gigabytes of data in the month Percentage of subscribers in zip code who used at least 100 Gigabytes, but less than 200 Gigabytes, of data in the month "Usage-Based Pricing Data" Table For each month in which usage-based pricing was effective and for each zip code identified in the Company's response to Request 2(a), and monthly for one year before and one year after usage-based pricing was in place, please provide the subscriber data for service plans that included Internet Access Service in the table below. Column Variable Name Format P subs_ubp_over Page 3 of 3 date zip ubp plan plan id plan name plan offered subs down speed ubp date start ubp date end amount charge fee for usage amount usage overage amount average usage median usage subs_ubp_over usage bin1 usage bin2 usage bin3 usage bin4 usage_bin5 subs_ubp_transaction subs_ubp_revenue 2009_01 20427 1 6478931A HD Preferred, Basic Video with Internet 1 100 3 2009_01 2010_02 50 10.99 50 100 100 20.1 60.3 10.7 12.1 11.8 5.1 110 12354.33 2009_02 20427 1 6478931A HD Preferred, Basic Video with Internet 1 100 3 2009_01 2010_02 50 10.99 50 100 100 20.1 61.3 9.7 13.1 11.8 6.1 110 123544.33 Usage-Based Pricing Data Template Notes: Columns A through H define unique records in this data. Attachment E: Template for "Usage-Based Pricing Data" Table For each month in which usage-based pricing was effective and for each zip code identified in the Company's response to Request 2(a), and monthly for one year before and one year after usage-based pricing was in place, please provide the subscriber data for plans than included Internet Access in the table below.