EDWARD J . MARKEY MASSA CHUSETTS COMMITTEES: citlnitrd ~tatrs ~rnatr ENVIRO NM[Ni ANO Pu su c \IVORKS RANKING MEMBER: Sw•i;flFu No. WASTE M ANAGl:MENT, AND REGULATORY OVERSIGHT FOREIGN RELATIONS RANKING MEMBER: S u ac oMMfITEE ON AFRICA ANO G LOBAL HE Al rn Pouc v COMMERCE', SCIENCE. ANO T AANSPORTATION 5MALI- B USINESS ANO Er-JH~F.PAfNEURSH I P CHAIRMAN: U .S St N..A"ff: CLIMATE CHANGE CLEARINGHOUS E The Honorable Tom Wheeler Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St. SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Wheeler: August 5, 2016 Su m Sl>-255 D1RKSEN 8UILO!N G WASHINGTON, DC 20510 - 2107 202- 224- 2742 975 JFK FtOERAl. BUILOl" G 15 New SuosuRv STREH BOSTON, MA 02203 617- 565-8519 222 M lllliN SmHT, 4TH FLOOR SPRINGFIELD. MA 01101 413-785-'1610 I write to express my concern about the ongoing retransmission consent dispute behveen Sunbeam Television and DirecTV, which is affecting approximately 160,000 DirecTV subscribers in Greater Boston who have been left without their normal access to WHDH programming since July 16. When the Olympics begin this evening, such suspension of service will become even more serious for these customers. I make no representations as to the merits of either side's position, as these are contractual discussions between private parties. I have written to both companies encouraging them to remain engaged in good faith negotiations. (See attachment) Clearly, the public interest would be served if carriage is restored by the parties at the earliest possible opportunity so that customers are no longer disadvantaged as a result of this dispute. We request that you take action to bring the parties together so these negotiations can be concluded in an equitable and expeditious manner and signal restored. Consumers should not be caught in the middle. I look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely, ~~-~ Edward J. Markey United States Senator 629 EDWARD J . MARKEY MASSACHUSETIS COMMITIEES: Efl>vmo 'MENT AND Pueuc Wom