PATRICK E. M URPHY 1 8TH DISTRICT, FLORIDA WAS HI NGTON OFFICE: 211 C AN N ON H OUSE OFFICE B U ILDING WASHINGTON, D C 20515 (202) 225- 3026 FAX: (202 ) 225-8398 www.patrickm urphy C!Congre~~ of tbe Wntteb ~tate~ ~ouge of l\epregentatibeg wmla%bington. 1\(1( 20515- 0918 The Honorable Tom Wheeler Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Wheeler, October 7, 2016 COMMITIEES FINAN CI AL SERVICES SUBCOMM ITIEES: C APITAL MARKETS AND G OVERNMENT S PONSORED ENTERPRISES MONETARY POLICY AND T RADE INTELLIGENCE SUBCOMM ITIEES: O VER HEAD ARCHITE CTU RE AND D EPARTMENT OF D EFENSE INTELLIGENCE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY AND CYBERSECURITY As Hurricane Matthew continues to threaten Florida and states along the east coast, data overage charges should be waived for individuals in areas being impacted by the hurricane. I urge you work within your authorities as well as with telecommunication companies so that Florida residents and others impacted by Hurricane Matthew can communicate and receive vital public safety information without concerns of excessive costs. As you know, many rely on their cellular phones and mobile devices, especially during natural disasters. However, without Wi-Fi, which can often be down during hurricanes, many are limited in the amount of data they can use without facing financial penalties. Suspending data overage fees will help put safety first by allowing those impacted by a hurricane to access updated weather information, receive alerts from law enforcement and emergency officials, and communicate with loved ones. I applaud companies that are already waiving data overage charges and ask the FCC to work with other providers to emphasize the value to public safety of doing so. Thank you for your quick attention to this matter. Sincerely, ~~ I Patrick E. Murphy ' · . MEMBER OF CONGRESS I : ' ' ; .- , ' . , . PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER I : 849