128DOUG COLLINS 9TH OtSTRICf, GEORGIA DISTRICT OFfiCE 210 WASHINGTON STRECT NW Sumo 202 GAINESVILLE, GA 30501 (770) 297-3388 WASHINGTON OFfiCE 1504 LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225--9893 The Honorable Ajit Pai C!ongre£i£i of tbc 'mlnttcl:l $tate5' ~ouse of jRepresentatll:les 7limlm>bington, Jl(!!; 20515-1009 Febmary 14, 2017 Chairman, Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Pai, COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY VICE" CHAIRMAN OF COURTS, fNTlLLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE INTERN[,T REGUlATORY Re-fORM, COMMrRCIAl AND ANTITRUST LAW COMMITTEE ON RULES VICE CHAIRMAN OF HOUSE REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE I am writing to recommend Paul Belk for the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee. Mr. Belk is the President and CEO of North Georgia Network (NGN), a f\lfal Internet Service Provider that services mral areas of Georgia. In the Ninth District of Georgia, and many other districts across the country, internet is a vital resource that is increasingly difficult to access because of regulatory barriers, decreasing deployment of new broadband infi·astmctnre, and hurdles to market entry. These impediments­ combined with a lack of competition--have hurt Northeast Georgians' ability to access reliable broadband, which in turn hurts public safety, business development, and quality oflife. Mr. Belk, however, has taken action to address these problems and provide expanded Internet access. NGN, under Mr. Belk's leadership, has provided Internet access for more Georgians by going into rural communities that previously had only a single provider, thus driving competing providers to upgrade technologies and decrease prices. In doing so, Mr. Belk has directly impacted the safety, business, and quality oflife of countless Georgians. Mr. Belle's impact extends beyond the reaches of Northeast Georgia. He oversees a fiber optic network spanning several eastern states, and is a founder of the Fiber Network Owners Alliance (FNA) which has worked with other small fiber networks to provide better broadband for more Americans. Mr. Belk has also worked to set higher broadband standards for the citizens of Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Throughout his years of experience in telecommunications and broadband, Mr. Belk has worked to equalize urban and mral centers because he has seen how the Internet can change even the smallest of communities into those of global significance. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER For the reasons detailed above, I urge you to consider Mr. Paul Belk for a position on Broadband Deployment Advisory Connnittee. Thank you for your consideration, and please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Ninth Co ressional District of Georgia