FEDERAL COM M UN !CATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF T HE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Richard Blumenthal United States Senate 706 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Blumenthal : July 18, 2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AATM). In its petition, AATM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections ofthe Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission ' s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seeking public comment on AATM' s petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2. 2017 . Su bsequentl y. AATM fi led a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20, 2017. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, v. Ajit V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable AI Franken United States Senate 309 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Franken : Julyl8,2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AATM). In its petition, AATM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a vo icemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Te lephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission' s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seeking public comment on AATM 's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 2017. Subsequently, AATM filed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20, 2017. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Vˇ Ajit V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Maggie Hassan United States Senate B85 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Hassan: Julyl8,2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AA TM). In its petition. AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission' s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau releasˇed a Public Notice seeking public comment on AATM's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2. 20 17. Subsequently, AATM filed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20. 2017. l appreciate yo ur interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any fllliher assistance. Sincerely, Ajit V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Amy Klobuchar United States Senate 302 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Klobuchar: July 18,2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AA TM). In its petition, AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and wil l be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau releasˇed a Public Notice seeking public comment on AATM's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2. 2017. Subsequently, AA TM filed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20, 2017. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, -~ AjXˇPai ~ ~ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy United States Senate 437 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Leahy: July 18, 2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AA TM). In its petition, AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commiss ion 's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seeking public comment on AA TM 's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 2017. Subsequently, AATM filed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20,2017. I appreciate your interest in thi s matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, v. Ajit V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Robert Menendez United States Senate 528 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Menendez: July 18,2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AATM). ln its petition, AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directl y to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seeking public comment on AA TM 's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 2017 . Subseq uently, AA TM filed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20. 2017. 1 appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Vˇ Ajit V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Jeff Merkley United States Senate 313 Hart Senate Office Building Washington. D. C. 20510 Dear Senator Merkley: July 18,2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AA TM) . In its petition, AATM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be inc! uded in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission 's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seeking public comment on AA TM's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 20 17. Subsequently, AATM fil ed a Jetter withdrawing its petition on June 20.2017 . I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerel y, v. Aj it V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Bernard Sanders United States Senate 332 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 205 10 Dear Senator Sanders: July 18, 2017 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AA TM). ln its petition, AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Te lephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission ' s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Publ ic Notice seeking public comment on AATM's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 20 17. Subsequently, AA TM fil ed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20, 2017. I appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, v. Aj it V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Elizabeth Warren United States Senate 317 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Senator Warren : Jul y 18, 2017 Thank you for your Jetter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AA TM). In its petition, AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the deli very of voice messages directl y to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Te lephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very imp01iant and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As you note, the Commission ' s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seeking public comment on AATM's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 2017. Subsequently, AA TM filed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20, 2017. [ appreciate your interest in thi s matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerel y, v. Ajit V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Ron Wyden United States Senate 221 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Wyden : July 18, 2017 Thank you fo r your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AATM). In its petition, AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and will be included in the record of the proceeding. As vou note, the Commission ' s Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seek ing public comment on AA TM's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 20 17. Subsequently, AATM filed a Jetter withdrawing its petition on June 20, 201 7. J appreciate your interest in this matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerel y, Ajit V. Pai FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE CHAIRMAN The Honorable Edward J. Markey United States Senate 255 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 205 10 Dear Senator Markey: July 18, 20 17 Thank you for your letter regarding a petition for declaratory ruling filed by All About the Message, LLC (AATM). In its petition, AA TM requests that the Commission declare that the delivery of voice messages directly to a voicemail box does not constitute a call that is subject to the protections of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your views about the petition are very important and wi ll be included in the record ofthe proceeding. As you note, the Commission's Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau released a Public Notice seeking public comment on AATM 's petition, and the comment periods on the matter closed on June 2, 20 17. Subsequentl y, AATM fil ed a letter withdrawing its petition on June 20, 2017. I appreciate your interest in thi s matter. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Ajit V. Pai