526 CHARLES E. SCHUMER NEWYOOK cnlnitcd ~totes ~matt The Honorable Ajit Pai Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street, S.W. Washington D.C. 20554 Dear Chairman Pai: WASHINGTON, DC 20510 June 26, 2017 DEMOCRATIC LEADER I write today to strongly oppose the Commission's open petition to exempt ringless voicemails from key consumer protections established by the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Ringless voicemail technology allows callers to deposit a voicemail on a consumer's phone without the phone ever ringing. Even though these voicemails may be quieter than what we traditionally think of as cell phone spam, they are no less intrusive or annoying to consumers. The TCP A was designed to prevent consumers from being plagued by unwanted and unsolicited calls. While the statute was an important and signiticant step forward, if you ask any consumer today, they will tell you current law is absolutely inadequate to keep them from being harassed and irritated by sparn on their cellphones. In fact, in May of 2017 alone, consumers received 2.6 billion robocalls, according to YouMail. Ringless voicemail would be yet another way for consumers to feel that their phones are not their own. Unsolicited, spam robocall voicernails could flood mailboxes, clogging out legitimate messages. As policymakers, what we should be doing is finding ways to make current law stronger and tighter; the government should not begin to contemplate allowing new and different ways for consumers to be overwhelmed by unwanted messages. Accordingly, I urge you to swiftly reject the ringless voicemail petition. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. s(U_u_ Charles E. Schumer United States Senator