594 The Honorable Ajit Y. Pai Chairman United J5tatrs Senate COMMITIEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON, DC 20510..6125 WEBSITE' http://commerce senate gov July 17, 2017 Federal Communications Commission 445 121h Street Southwest Washington, D.C. 20554 Dear Chairman Pai : The Federal Communications Commission's Universal Service Fund (USF). which collects almost $10 billion annually, is under increasing fiscal pressure, and two programs supported by the fund, the High Cost program and the Rural Health Care program, are facing particular funding constraints. In order to help the Committee better understand the nature and extent of the challenges facing USF, I am writing to request the fo llowing information regarding USF collections and disbursements: l . For each year since 20 I 0, please provide annual USF collections; 2. For each year since 2010, for each USF program, please provide: a. disbursements of USF; and b. the cumulative total of undisbursed funds at the end of each year; 3. For the most current annual period for which figures are available, for each USF program, please provide the total amount of undisbursed funds expected to be on-hand for each of the five years following that period; 4. For any program for which the Commission has allocated any undisbursed funds by Commission action, please provide the amount and frequency of the allocation and a citation to the relevant order(s) making such allocation(s); and 5. Finally, please provide a description of any regulations limiting allocation of undisbursed USF funds to a particular program or use. If you have any questions, please have your staff contact David Quinalty of the Majority sta.ff at (202) 224-1251. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. > c - Chairman