STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER BRENDAN CARR Re: Fabrice Polynice, File No.: EB-FIELDSCR-13-00012949 Harold Sido, and Veronise Sido, File No.: EB-FIELDSCR-15-00018596 This case shows how far unauthorized, or pirate, radio operators are willing to go in their efforts to avoid complying with the law. In this case, agents with the Commission’s Miami field office issued numerous warnings to the operators, U.S. Marshals seized their pirate radio equipment, and the Enforcement Bureau issued both a Notice of Apparent Liability (NAL) and a Forfeiture Order against one of them. Despite these actions, the pirate radio station continued to broadcast. But this case also demonstrates this Commission’s commitment to shutting down pirate radio operations. The Enforcement Bureau is stepping up its efforts, and today’s NAL is a great example of that. Given the unique relationship between the owners of the property where agents discovered the pirate radio equipment and the operation of that station, this NAL imposes a fine jointly on all parties that appear to be involved. The operation of pirate radio stations can endanger public safety and other authorized communications, so the agency needs to take it seriously. I am glad that we are now doing so and welcome the message that this NAL sends. Thank you to the Enforcement Bureau and the Commission’s field agents for their hard work in this area.