687 DORIS 0. MATSUI 6nt DISTRICT, CALIFORN A COMMITIEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE cteongre~!) of tbe &niteb ~tates :tJouse of l\epresentatibes Basbington, 1!\QC 20515-0506 The Honorable Ajit V. Pai Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Pai: August 22, 2017 WASHINGTON OFf•CE 231 1 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, DC 2051&-0506 (2021225-7163 DISTRICT OFFICE ROBERTT MATSUI U .S COURTHOUSE 501 I STREET. SUITE 1 2- 600 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 (91 61496-5600 http:iimatsui.house gov I write to follow up on the commitment you made to provide the members of the Energy and Commerce Committee with quarterly reports on the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) efforts to implement the National Verifier for Lifeline Eligibility. By providing low-cost phone or internet service, the Lifeline program is fundamental for Americans that are looking for work and trying to get back on their feet. The small subsidy provided by the program is equally important for schoolchildren needing to complete homework assignments and family members trying to stay connected across the country. For those reasons, I was disheartened to hear that the FCC has made little progress toward implementing the National Verifier. Originally established in 2015, the National Verifier will provide a check on the Lifeline program to stifle any waste, fraud, or abuse in the program. The Verifier should make huge advances by ensuring that scarce Lifeline dollars go only to those that qualify. I thank you for committing to providing the Committee with quarterly reports on the status of the FCC's efforts to implement the National Verifier. As part of those quarterly reports, I ask that, at minimum, the following information be included: • All specific actions FCC staff are taking to assist the Universal Service Administrative Company in implementing the Verifier, • Which states the FCC plans to include in the initial roll out of the National Verifier and when can we expect those states to come on line, • Beyond the initial roll out, when the FCC expects additional states to come on line, including a table that lists each state and other jurisdiction where the Verifier will be implemented, the progress that the FCC has made working with that jurisdiction to implement the Verifier, and a target date when the FCC expects the Verifier to come on line in that state or jurisdiction, and PAINTEO ON AECYCUO PAPER • The number of individuals that the Verifier will serve, as an aggregate, at each stage of the rollout. We expect to receive the FCC first progress report by September 30, and every quarter thereafter until the FCC has implemented the National Verifier in all relevant jurisdictions. I appreciate your attention to this matter, and I look forward to reviewing your reports. Should you have any questions, please contact my office at (202) 225-7163. Sincerely, DORIS MATSUI Member of Congress