4;FC' PUBLIC NOTICE usp' Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20554 CABLE TELEVISION RELAY SERVICE (CARS) APPLICATIONS RE: ACTIONS ON PENDING APPLICATIONS ReportNo. 4372 April 11,2018 Action(s) of April 09, 2017 CAR-20180306AA-10 KA-80629 PHOENIX AZ Granted COX COMMUNICATIONS ARIZONA, LLC Renewal of License Action(s) of March 23, 2018 CAR-20130122AH-10 WGS-894 SIERRA VISTA AZ DeletedAuthorization COX COMMUNICATIONS ARIZONA, LLC Action(s) of April 03, 2018 CAR-20 1405 19AA-10 KD-55003 NEAR ROCHESTER NY Deleted Authorization TIME WARNER CABLE NORTHEAST, LLC Action(s) of April 04, 2018 CAR-20180227AA-10 KA-80628 PHOENIX AZ Granted COX COMMUNICATIONS ARIZONA, LLC Renewal of License News media information 202 /418-0500 T1Y 202/418-2555 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov Expires 03/01/2023 Expires 03/01/2023 (1) For further information about this Public Notice contact the Media Bureau at (202) 418-7001