BILL POSEY 1· 6 TH D ISTRICT ' F LOR " DA \ '/ASHlt:GTON OFFICE'. 2150 R Avsum" HousE OrncE Bu.LO::'o co~" .o.~1nEEs : W ASllNGTW, DC 20515 SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY (202) 225-367 1 S PACE Suocm.".llTTEE Ctlongrczz of f qc 2Jiniteb ~tatez FAX: (202) 225·3516 OVERSIGHT Susco ~.~'.IITTEE 177 !MIN DISTRICT OFFICE: 2725 J UDGE FRAU J N." ESO:I WAY, BLDG. c FINANCIAL SERVICES )f.) ouze of ~e pr ez mhtti\ 1 ez MELOOURNE, FL 32940 F1>iAt:C1AL l11srnur1011s SuscOM'.'ITTEE (32 1) 632-1776 H OUSING NIO INSURNICE FAx: (321) 639·6595 Sueco.'.'\11TTEE ~l11 i f1 ingfo n , ~([ 20515 DISTRICT OFFICE: l"DIA1' R 1vrn Cou>ITY Am." ·'1. BLDG. A l.IWBER OF: (772) 226· 170 1 HOUSE AEROSPACE CAUCUS DISTRICT OFFICE: REPUBLICAN STUD'( co~.OJITIEE BREVARD CoumY GovEA~:'.'E:IT O FFICES crnmRESS!OUAL AUTISM CAUCUS 1: ' T ITUSV1LLE I.' LITARY VETERANS CAUCUS (32 1) 383·6090 March 12, 2018 Chairman Ajit Pai Commissioner Mignon Clyburn Commissioner Michael O'Rielly Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel Commissioner Brendan Carr Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 RE: IB Docket No. 98-96 - 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review - Review of Accounts of Settlement in the Maritime Mobile and Maritime-Satellite Radio Services and Withdrawal of the Commission as an Accounting Authority in the Maritime Mobile and Maritime­ Satellite Radio Services ("2016 Acco1111ti11g Authority Second FNPRM'') Dear Chairman Pai and FCC Commissioners: I am writing to you regarding my August 9, 2017, correspondence in the above-captioned docket. I continue to monitor the docket in this proceeding and would like to request an update on what progress has been made by the Commission, to elate. While I see no recent action in the docket, other than COMSA T' s September 2017 ex parte notice, I am hopeful that the Commission is close to rendering a final determination that takes into account the comments that have been made on the record. I also want to reiterate the concerns I raised in my previous correspondence. Namely, I continue to be concerned that over-reliance on an outreach effort to migrate current users to a new accounting authority will be costly, time consuming, and likely to yield mixed results. It is my understanding that sole reliance on an outreach campaign could result in unnecessary expenditure of taxpayer dollars toward an effort which poses risks to maritime vessels. Given these issues, it appears to me that the common-sense solution is for the Commission to consider simply assigning its USO 1 designation to COMSAT, INC., the only party on the record that has expressed the willingness and documented ability to serve as the replacement default accounting authority. I understand that there is no evidence in the record of this proceeding that any other entity has expressed an interest in undertaking this role. Further, there is no indication in the docket of any objection being made to COMSAT's stated desire to assume this role. PRINTED ON RECYCLED P1\PER As I stated in my previous correspondence, ensuring maritime safety is a significant concern for myself and my constituency, as is ensuring that this government take affirmative steps to avoid the rnmecessary expenditure of additional taxpayer money. The path forward seems clear. I ask that you give full and fair consideration to appointing CO MS AT as the default authority so that the Commission can quickly and easily close this docket and address the concerns raised by each party that submitted comments in this proceeding. 1 would like to invite you to meet with me in my office to discuss this matter. Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely, J;if_, Bill Posey Cc: Rachael Bender Erin McGrath Dana Shaffer