1101 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 JEFF FORTENBERRY /ST DISTRICT , NEBRASKA December 11, 201 7 The Honorable Ajit Pai Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street Southwest, Suite 8-B201 Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Pai: Thank you for meeting with Members of Congress about the net neutrality issue and discussing the issue with me personally following your presentation. I would like to say that I'm deeply sorry to hear of the vindictive insults and direct threats to your family that have taken place due to your heartfelt desire to be in public service. Many have had similar things happen and it is deeply disturbing, especially around an issue where there should be an attempt to construct objective public policy. As I conveyed to you during our meeting, many people sense that this is a battle between their dignity and their freedom versus the long arm of corporations. The decision that you're about to make must be guided and informed by these heartfelt sentiments of Americans, many of whom are in entrepreneurial and academic spaces and share a desire to have an open and free Internet. The forthcoming decisions should in no way allow for corporate monopolistic domination, whether on internet service provider delivery or on content creation. I ask that you forthrightly address the millions of Americans who have expressed these concerns in an authentic manner. It's important that the government maintain open and creative space for the ongoing use and development of the Internet, protecting Americans from any form of corporate manipulation and preserving the framework of net neutrality. Thank you for considering these comments. Member of Congress