DAVID B. M cKINLEY, P.E. CHAIRMAN, 1 ST D ISTRICT, W EST VIRGINIA CONGRESSIONAL COAL CAUCUS 2239 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING Co·CHAIA, WASHINGTON, DC 20515 CONGRESSIONAL BUILDING TRADES CAUCUS TEL: (202) 225-4172 Co-CHAIR, FAX: (202) 22&--7564 <tCongreS'S' of tbe mntteb ~tateS' CONGRESSIONAL ARTHRITIS CAUCUS www.mckinley.house.gov Co-CHAIR, CONGRESSIONAL YOUTH CHALLENGE CAUCUS COMMITTEE ON r!Jouge of l\epregentatibeg ENERGY AND COMMERCE Co-CHAIR, HIGH PERFORMANCE BUILDINGS CAUCUS SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT Co-CHAIR Vice CHAIR CONGRESSIONAL H EARING HEALTH CAUCUS SUBCOMMITTEE ON ENERGY SUBCOMMITTEE ON D tGITAL COMMERCE AND CONSUMER PROTECTION July 10, 2018 JUL 1 6 2018 The Honorable Ajit Pai 567 Chairman FCC Mailroom Federal Communications Commission 1 445 I 2 h Street NW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Pai: The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) recent efforts to update the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and create a safer and more workable environment for communicating with consumers should be commended. While the FCC is at the forefront of many critical communication issues, its past interpretations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) have resulted in confusion regarding what is required. This has made it more difficult for consumers to receive the communications they want and need, and for legitimate businesses to understand compliance standards. In addition, there is legal uncertainty surrounding how consumers can obtain important information. This leads to increasing class action litigation that often does little to help consumers. The FCC must make it more workable for legitimate businesses to stay in communication with consumers in a timely and effective manner, while continuing to fight to eliminate illegal and fraudulent calls and texts to eel I phones. We appreciate the steps the FCC has taken to limit abusive and illegal robocalls, and applaud the enforcement of action taken to end these instances of consumer mistreatment. It is imperative that the FCC continues to develop a modern TCPA framework that provides protection to consumers from bad actors, but allows legitimate business to communicate effectively with their customers. To that end, I request that you please update me on the steps you are taking to establish better protections for consumers and clarify and modernize the rules under TCPA. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my Legislative Assistant, Sydney Pettit, by email at Sydney.Pettit@mail.house.gov or by telephone at (202)-225-4172. I look forward to hearing from you. PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER