12/14/2017 THU 18!47 FAX ll!002/003 SHEILA JACKSON LEE C:OMr.nTTBEB: l!JTIC DIS'IRJC'l', TEXAS ¬ :ongre.s.s of tbe mnitell @>tates ' JUDIClARY 1099 SUI!COMMlTTEES: ~out'e of 3!epre5rntntibe.S: Raulci111 Mt'JllbOT . WASHINOTON OFFICE: Ctiwe. Ten:c1iem. H.osuolawl Smirlly Qlld 22'2 !Uyllt1n1 Oft'iC6 Builcling Blul)ln~ton, 1tl41:. 20515 Jnvculipliowi WaaWngron, DC 20,l:S (l02l m-3816 hlllulpntlan ~1111 n order S«1ulty DISTRICT OFFICE: l!ll!l S111ill1 Stra@!, Suite llllO HOMELAND SECURITY . Ho11s1011, TX 770(/l SUDC'OMMl'TTtliS; J3l m"°°'o cyb~1't4!C11riiy , 111thlatn1C111111 l'ror.ecUou. ruJd a Sec11tlly T~clu10lo&lei AC'JU!S HOME OFFICE: 67 l!l We9f Ma111gow11y, Suim 204 Border lllld Marirlw.e s,curliy Housron, TX 77091 (713) 691-48&2 .~EJ-lIOR. WHn> DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS HEIGHTS OFFlCE: 420 Wcsl 19lb Sb.l!Cl Ho11&t0n, TIC 77008 (713) 861-4070 PlFTH WAIW OFFICE: 4300.l ..yOllS /We .. Suite 200 HouslOll, TX 77020 (713) 227-7740 December 14, 2017 The Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman Federal Communications Commission 45 12th St. SW Washington, D.C. 20554 Dear Chairman Pai: I write to express my strong opposition to the action taken today by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to repeal Title II protection for Net.Neutrality. I urge the FCC to rescind this vote at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission. Over one million people have called congressional offices to demand their light to a free and open internet. My office has received on average 250 communications per day since Thanksgiving from constituents in support of current Net Neutrality rules. These are· calls from concerned constituents that do not want their internet services to change at all. Additionally, I express my continued outrage at the FCC;s failure to respond to New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's serious concerns about the FCC's potential reliance upon 400,000 comments - all originating from a single Russian web address. In a public letter, Attorney General Schneiderman stated, "In an era where foreign governments have indisputably. trie9 to use the internet and social media to influence our elections, federal and state governments should be working together to ensure that malevolent actors cannot subvert out administrative agencies' decision­ making processes." The Attorney General is correct and the American people agree with him and me that the action taken today by the FCC abridges the First Amendment rights of internet users and is unlikely to withstandjudicial challenge. 1 12/14/2017 THU 18:47 FAX ~OOJ/003 Thank you for your consideration. Please contact me at (202) 225-3816 if you have any questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, · · . ~}J---1!-- Sheila Jack.son Lee MEMBER OF CONGRESS Cc: Commissioner Mignon Clyburn Commissioner Michael O'Rielly Commissioner Brendan Carr Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel 2