STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER MICHAEL O’RIELLY Re: Communications Marketplace Report, GN Docket No. 18-231; The State of Mobile Wireless Competition, WT Docket No. 18-203; Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming, MB Docket No. 17-214; Status of Competition in the Marketplace for Delivery of Audio Programming, MB Docket No. 18-227; Satellite Communications Services for the Communications Marketplace Report, IB Docket No. 18-251. The 2018 Communications Marketplace Report is a product of Congress’ directive in the 2018 RAY BAUM’S Act to streamline the Commission’s reporting requirements. My primary responsibility as a Commissioner is to follow statutory authority and I will always be loyal to the will of Congress. In addition to executing the letter of the law, the new report is a welcome first step in simplifying FCC assessment of communications competition and deployment and will provide better transparency to consumers on the state of the market. For instance, the report provides a considerable amount of data to consider future trend lines and the corresponding impact on end users. As this is the first installment of the report, my expectations were measured in view of the huge task, and I applaud staff for the work they have done in a brief time frame. In future years, I hope that reports won’t be as siloed according to technology and regulatory regime. While the report takes account of intermodal competition in certain instances, a comprehensive representation of the communications marketplace would be more helpful if it went further. For example, reports in future years should recognize increasing competition between mobile and fixed broadband providers, given their substitutability, as well as disparate burdens faced by regulated entities due to competing with non-regulated entities in the same Internet ecosystem.