DOUG COLLINS D!STf11C r OH-ICE 9Hi DISTRIC I, G!:OHGA 210 WASH!NClON STRf:fT N\i\I SUIT!- 202 COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY GAINFSVILLL, GA 30G01 {770) 297--3388 RANl<ING MEMBER WASHINGTOr..J OFFICC CMML ViA VVEHC~llC 1504 LON!i\NOR1H Housr OF! ICC_ Bun DIN(] https://douqcol 1ins, house.Dov WASHING!'ON, DC 20S1b l!ongress of tbe Wntteb ~tates (202j 225---9893 J!)onse of l\epresentl'lttl.1es ~m>f)fngton, 'IDQl: 20515-1009 330 June 3, 2019 Honorable Ajit Pai Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12'h Street, SW Washington D.C. 20554 Dear Chairman Pai, I am writing in regards to efforts by the Federal Communications Conunission (FCC) to more accurately understand the availability of mobile and fixed broadband service in the United States. Reliable broadband access is vital for rnral communities to rnn their businesses, access educational resources, and operate public safety systems. Unfortunately, communities are often subject to subpar internet service, often at the hands of a functional monopoly. I have long advocated for a larger focus on rural broadband and am pleased that President Trump has displayed a commitment to focusing on infrastructure, including rural broadband. I am proud to have introduced the Connect America Fund (CAF) Accountability Act (H.R. 427) in the House, a bill that would require internet service providers (ISPs) that receive taxpayer dollars through the CAF progran1 to report additional information on the broadband speeds they are providing consumers in reports to the FCC. The additional transparency will ensure that more accurate speeds are being reported to the FCC, allowing the commission to better oversee and direct CAF dollars. Additionally, last Congress I introduced the Gigabit Oppottunity (GO) Act (H.R. 2870), legislation to encourage investment in areas affected by poor internet service. Under the Fo1m 477 Data Program the FCC collects data from providers on broadband services, local telephone service competition, and mobile telephony services. Twice per year, all providers of fixed broadband are required to provide a list of all census blocks where fixed broadband service is currently available. Unfortunately, under this system that directly informs the FCC's broadband availability maps, providers can report a particular census block as "served" if just one location receives service. This is pmticularly detrimental in rnral areas that have lm·ge census blocks and may be considered served if only a single neighborhood or location in that block has broadband service. Additionally, provider-repotted date for both fixed and mobile broadband service lacks independent verification and validation, raising concerns about the accurncy and reliability of such data in detennining broadband availability. As the FCC explores ways to improve the quality, accuracy and usefulness of the data it collects on fixed and mobile voice and broadband service, I request that you give consideration to a more Pri!NTED ON HECYCL.1:0 PAPER granular method of reporting fixed broadband data-such as through the use of shapefiles that digitally represent geographic areas in which a customer could expect to receive broadband service. Such a method-already utilized to determine mobile broadband service-could allow the FCC to more precisely determine areas that are completely unserved by fixed broadband. Furthermore, I encourage the FCC to develop processes to better verify and validate provider­ reported broadband data in order to make the most optimal funding and financing decisions. It is critical to ensure that inaccurate information will not result in subpar or a complete lack of access to broadband. I look forward to working with you as the FCC continues to ensure Americans have access to reliable broadband. Sincerely,