Dl!ITRICT OHICE&: DEBBIE DINGELL 19855 WEST OUTER Dmve 12TH O!STRICT, Mtc:HtGl\N Sum 103-E D EARBORN, Ml 48124 11 a CANNON Hou~c Omce Bu1LDING 13131278-2936 WA61UNGTON, DC 20515 Oinugrr.a.a of tqr ltuitrh itatr.a 12021225-4071 301 Wcsr M1cu1GAN Avrnur SUITE 400 HOUSE COMMITIEE ON l!lnusr of i&eprr!irntatiur11 YrtitLANTl,Ml48197 ENERGY AND COMMERCE (734) 481-1100 SUBCOMMITTEES ON HEALTH 1llaid1ingtnu. fll<!I 20515 Wcesm: ocBe1EotNGcLL.1rousuwv ENVIRONMENT AND Cl!MA.TE OiANGE C0""'1UNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY CONSUMER PROTECTION AND COMMERCE HOUSE COMMITIEE ON 521 NATURAL RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEES ON NATIONAL PARKS, FoRESTS 4NO PUBtlC LANDS OVERSIGHT 4NO INVESTIGATIONS July 25, 2019 The Honorable Ajit V. Pai Chairman Federal Communications Commission 455 121h Street, SW Washington, DC 20544 Dear Chairman Pai, I write regarding the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) docket titled "Implementation ofSection 62J(a)(J) ofthe Cable Communications Policy Act of198./ as Amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection Act of 1992. " Community leaders in Washtenaw County and other neighboring communities have contacted my office concerned that your proposal will jeopardize public, education and government (PEG) programming offered in my district. My constituents rely on these programs as a vital resource to stay current with events, activities, and for public accountability of local governments. Under the Cable Communications Act of 1984, towns and cities can require cable operators to pay franchise fees and provide other community support as part of franchise agreements to use public rights-of-way. Our local governments often rely on franchise agreement financial support to fund PEG stations and other local services. The FCC's current proposal would significantly reduce this support by allowing cable operators to assign a value to PEG stations and deduct that amount from their financial obligation. I have concerns that this proposal could potentially create an unlevel playing field for local governments and put funding for PEG stations and other services in jeopardy. As the FCC continues to deliberate, I strongly urge you to be mindful of the risks your proposal poses to PEG stations in my district and across the country, and the communities they serve. Sincerely, ~toe D'vi~ Debbie Dingell Member of Congress ~· ·