BR IAN J . MAST 2182 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING 18TH DISTRICT, FLORIDA WASHINGTON, DC 20515 (202) 225~3026 COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION 171 SW FLAGLER AVENUE AND INFRASTRUCTURE STUART, FLORIDA 34994 <teongress of tbt mnittb ~tates (772) 781-3266 FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE J'!)ouse of l\epresentattbes Da~bington , jDqr 20515-0918 May 16, 2019 293 The Honorable Ajit Pai Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Pai: I applaud the FCC's efforts to prevent waste, fraud and abuse in the Lifeline program, including through its recent launch of the National Verifier program, which is a critical tool in determining subscribers' eligibility. Like you, I want to ensure that the rollout of this program is done in a smooth and efficient manner- both for subscribers and service providers alike. To that end, it is imperative that the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) is able to secure adequate database access and complete implementation of service provider application programming interface (API) connectivity. This will ensure that automated/electronic verification can be facilitated and that Lifeline service providers are able to effectively assist consumers with the application and verification processes, which - for an array of reasons- can be challenging for these vulnerable citizens. · I understand that the FCC has pending before it a waiver request that would provide interim relief by allowing service providers to assist consumers by providing eligibility information to the National Verifier in batches for an eligibility dete1mination. Will the FCC grant this waiver request or establish some alternate form of electronic submission to verify eligibility in the interim period prior to full launch of the service provider API? Thank you for your consideration of this matter, and we look forward to your response. PRINTED ON REC YCLED PAPER