DOER PROGRAM NOMINATION FORM The Digital Opportunity Equity Recognition (DOER) Program celebrates organizations, institutions, companies, and individuals who, through their actions, have made meaningful and measurable progress in eliminating internet inequality by helping make quality affordable broadband service available to unserved and underserved communities. The need for social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has made connectivity even more of a necessity for everyone to stay engaged, healthy, and safe. The ideal candidate demonstrates a dedication to public service and community advancement by providing or supporting access to high-speed broadband; creating or advancing affordable options for connectivity to individuals and communities especially hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis; leveraging the use of broadband to improve healthcare, education, public safety, civic engagement, or other essential services; or promoting digital education and literacy. Nominee -- Name of Individual(s) or Organization _________________________________________ Title(s), if applicable __________________________________________________________________ Company/Affiliation __________________________________________________________________ The nominee deserves recognition for the following activities (please check all that apply):  Leading or supporting efforts to make high-speed broadband available to a definable area or community where service was previously unavailable  Leading or supporting efforts to make high-speed broadband available where it was not previously affordable to a significant portion of the community  Partnering with a local government or community organization to provide or enable access to broadband, digital education, or digital literacy  Leading or supporting efforts designed to use access to broadband to improve healthcare, education, public safety, civic engagement, or other essential services  Other ____________________________________________________________________________ Please describe the nominee’s activities and efforts that warrant recognition: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To the extent you are able, please quantify the results of the nominee’s efforts in terms of demonstrable impacts (for example, individuals or areas connected, programs initiated, goals set and accomplished, funds raised or expended, persons educated, etc.). If available, although not required, please provide any news reports, journals/blogs, testimonials, social media, or other recognition received (attach as needed). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit this completed form to by July 8, 2020.