576 July 7, 2020 Mr. Ajit Pai Chairman Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Dear Chairman Pai: We write in support of the application submitted by Horizon Healthcare Partners (HHP) on behalf of its five members agencies  CODAC Behavioral Healthcare, Community Care Alliance, Newport Mental Health, Thrive Behavioral Health, and Tides Family Services - for funding through the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) COVID-19 Telehealth Program. HHP is a consortium of member agencies that ensure access to behavioral health care services across the State of Rhode Island. It was formed by community mental health centers to recruit and share professional staff, develop and implement a statewide vocational project, and identify gaps in services. The consortium strives to enhance the quality, convenience, and availability of health care services for Rhode Islanders. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, each of HHP's five members agencies incurred significant costs as they transitioned to be able to provide telehealth services. Simultaneously, the agencies have been experiencing an increase in demand for services due to the ongoing public health crisis. Funding would help the agencies cover costs associated with telecommunications, broadband, and information services, as well as purchase equipment such as tablets, smartphones, and telemedicine kiosks. This critical investment would allow HHP's agencies to continue to provide important mental health services to Rhode Islanders in need. We support this proposal and respectfully request your consideration of this application within all applicable rules and regulations. If we can be of assistance to you in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. Thank you. Sincerely, Jack Reed Sheldon Whitehouse United States Senator United States Senator James R. Langevin David N. Cicilline Member of Congress Member of Congress