Received & Inspected APR 1 5 2020 060,9,665 of th °Un,Ued Ehat,66 FCC Mailroom *oua of 0Gfu'65¬ ntatio¬ 6 91-w j 8160, 2.9. 20515 7.t<*Atuntk giat.ut 01#4» April 8, 1020 320 The HonorableAjit Pab Chairman Federal Ciommunications Commission 445 Ilth Street, 5.W. Washington, D.C. 10554 Dear Chairman Pai, Thank you for your response to my Ions-standins request resardins the Commission's enforcement inquiry into the broadcast of Radio Sput.nik prograinming over American airwaves. While l'in pleased that the FCC completed its inquiry, I'm concerned that the Commission's sponsorship identification ru[es are too permissive if they allow propasanda on Anierican airwaves without requiring identification of the foreign government is ultimately paying for the propasanda. [ .support your decision to instruct the Commission's Media Bureau to modify sponsorship identification rules to accotint for foreign propaganda. I lowever, I believe your stated timeline of "months" fa[[s short, and 1 urge you to do everything you can to ensure that thi.s proces.s moves a quick[y as possible. 1 he November general election is less than seven months away and voters are iii the process of deciding whom to support. According to 5helby Pierson, the top election security expert iii the [nte[[isence Community, the threat of foreign interference in the 2010 e[ection is "broader and more diverse" than it was in 1016. Other experts agree. It is therefore imperative that the FCC act expeditiously to protect American airwaves. Waiting too Ions wi[[ further daina* cour democracy. 1 wi[[ continue to closely monitor the I·CC's work on this issue, and 1 hope you wi[[ bring the high ursency to this matter that our democracy deserves . bincerely, 1==2266-2 Anna C. E.shoo Member of Congress eC: The Honorable Michael O'Rielly, C 0 11 i m 15 5 10 H e r T-he Honorable Brendan Carr, Commissioner I-he Honorab[e Jessica Rosenworcel, C ominissioner The Honorable Geoffrey Starks, Commissioner