ROBERT MENENDEZ 528 Sn.iATt HART Omrr Bu1lOING NfWJERSEV Wll,,HIN(,tON, DC 20510 (202) 224-4744 COMMITifrS OM GATEWA' c "''" BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN 11TH FLOOR AFF Al RS NIWAR~, NJ 07102 (973) 645-3030 F1NANC[ 1dnitcd ~totes ~cnatc 208 WHITE HORSI PIKE fOR~IGN RELATIONS WASHINGTON, DC 20510--3005 Su1rr lS-19 BA Rll<GTON. NJ 08007 (856) 757 5353 52 January 22, 2021 Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel 45 L Street NE Washington, DC 20554 Dear Acting Chairwoman Rosenworcel, I write today in support of University Hospital 's application to participate in the Federal Communications Commission's Connected Care Pilot and ask you to provide their application with due consideration. I understand that one of the priorities of this program is service to low-income communities. University I Iospital is New Jersey's public academic health center and is committed to ensuring that New Jerseyans have access to quality health care services, no matter their income or zip code. Newark, the city in which University Hospital resides, experiences a high rate of poverty. According to the US Census Bureau, 27.4% of persons 1 in Newark are in poverty as compared to 9.2% in the State of New Jersey as a whole. " Last year, University Hospital provided more Charity Care than any other acute care hospital in the state.2 I share University Hospital 's commitment to ensuring that all New Jersey residents have access to lifesaving health services; our state's low-income fami li es rel y on the care that University I Iospital provides every single day. In light of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, which has further exacerbated economic disparities and created high unemployment and poverty levels, it is even more critical that we preserve and expand access to care for low-income populations through many avenues, including telehealth services. Participation in this pilot program would allow University Hospital to expand health care access fo r the vulnerable populations they serve. As New Jersey's Senior Senator and a longtime supporter of health care access, I thank you for your consideration of University Hospital's application. 1,newarkcitynewjersey/ PST045219 2