Released: September 24, 2021 ERRATUM PROCEDURES FOR FILING REQUESTS FOR WAIVER, REDUCTION, DEFERRAL AND INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF FY 2021 REGULATORY FEES DUE TO THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC On September 10, 2021, the Office of the Managing Director released a Public Notice, DA 21-1137, providing guidance on filing waivers, reductions, deferrals, and requests for installment payments (“waivers”) from FY 2021 regulatory fees. This Erratum amends the Public Notice by changing the due date for filing waivers to September 27, 2021 to correspond to the due date for filing regulatory fees. See Regulatory Fee Filing Window is Extended to Monday, September 27, 2021, Public Notice, DA 21-1201 (Office of the Managing Director, Sept. 24, 2021). - FCC -