Media Contact: Michael Sweeney, (202) 418-1087 For Immediate Release COMMISSIONER SIMINGTON CALLS FOR ROBUST US CYBER TRUST MARK WASHINGTON, D.C., December 6, 2023—Today, Commissioner Simington expressed his hope that the US Cyber Trust Mark program will help transform the currently dismal connected device security landscape. He called for the program to have robust requirements, especially that manufacturers make legally binding commitments to maintaining the security of their products after the time of sale. He said that absent such binding, ongoing commitments, the label would be yet another cybersecurity standard that fails to meaningfully improve the security landscape. He also warned that allowing the US Cyber Trust Mark to serve as a safe harbor for negligent practices, or to otherwise preempt state law, would undermine incentives for device manufacturers to be vigilant about security threats.   ### Office of Media Relations: (202) 418-0500 ASL Videophone: (844) 432-2275 TTY: (888) 835-5322 Twitter: @FCC This is an unofficial announcement of Commission action. Release of the full text of a Commission order constitutes official action. See MCI v. FCC, 515 F.2d 385 (D.C. Cir. 1974).