STATEMENT OF COMISSIONER DEBORAH TAYLOR TATE Re: Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2008, MD Docket No. 08-65 In today’s item, the Commission engages in its annual process of adopting a regulatory structure for assessing fees on telecommunications providers. These fees amount to well over $300 million and finance the vast majority of the Commission’s activities. Given this sizable tax burden on the telecommunications market – and ultimately on the telecommunications consumer – it is important that these fees be equitably assessed but not unduly burdensome. Some parties have raised a concern about whether these fees in fact are equitably assessed, and I am pleased that we are now focusing more on this issue. As technologies change and consumers move across services and platforms, the Commission should review how its regulatory fees have differing impacts on service providers and their consumers. Since this issue affects the entire industry and any change potentially would impact – either positively or negatively – all service providers, I encourage industry to propose an equitable solution to the assessment of regulatory fees. Nonetheless, in the absence of an industry proposal, I am committed to working closely with my colleagues to resolve this matter.