JOINT STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONERS MICHAEL J. COPPS, JONATHAN S. ADELSTEIN, DEBORAH TAYLOR TATE AND ROBERT M. MCDOWELL Re: High-Cost Universal Service Support, WC Docket No. 05-337; Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, CC Docket No. 96-45; Lifeline and Link Up, WC Docket No. 03-109; Universal Service Contribution Methodology, WC Docket No. 06-122; Numbering Resource Optimization, CC Docket No. 99-200; Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, CC Docket No. 96-98; Developing a Unified Intercarrier Compensation Regime, CC Docket No. 01-92; Intercarrier Compensation for ISP-Bound Traffic, CC Docket No. 99-68; IP-Enabled Services, WC Docket No. 04-36 Today’s decision responds directly to the mandamus from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals regarding Core Communications, Inc. The item sets forth the Commission’s legal justification for the rules it adopted in 2001 governing intercarrier compensation for telecommunications traffic bound for Internet service providers. It also preserves the ability to move towards a more unified intercarrier compensation regime. We also issue a Further Notice seeking comment on specific proposals to reform the intercarrier compensation and universal service systems. While we do not pre-judge any of the proposals set forth therein, we do believe that there is a tentative but growing measure of consensus on a number of issues, including: moving intrastate access rates to interstate access levels over a reasonable period of time; not unduly burdening consumers with increases in their rates untethered to reductions in access charges; addressing phantom traffic and traffic stimulation; implementing an alternative cost recovery mechanism in certain circumstances; eliminating the identical support rule and moving over time towards support based on a company’s own costs; emphasizing the importance of broadband to the future of universal service; and clarifying the implementation of the Alaska Native regions and tribal lands exception to the CETC cap adopted on May 1, 2008, and the need for special consideration for such areas. We would appreciate stakeholders attention to these issues of concern and consideration of whether modifications along these lines to the attached proposals are warranted. This Further Notice reflects our commitment to comprehensive reform of the intercarrier compensation and universal service systems in an expedited fashion. Finally, the Commission today has completed a proceeding to consider the recommendations of the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. We appreciate all of the valuable input that the Board has provided the Commission. We however choose not to implement the Joint Board’s recommendations at this time. We thank the Board members for their tireless efforts and look forward to obtaining their valuable input on an on-going basis. For the foregoing reasons, we are pleased to approve today’s Report & Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.