STATEMENT OF COMMISSIONER MICHAEL O’RIELLY Re: Comprehensive Review of the Part 32 Uniform System of Accounts, WC Docket No. 14-130; Jurisdictional Separations and Referral to the Federal-State Joint Board, CC Docket No. 80-286. With this Report and Order, the Commission concludes our implementation of the Separations Joint Board’s Recommended Decision on harmonizing and updating our Part 36 jurisdictional separations rules. I am grateful for the concerted efforts of the Joint Board and Commission staff, and the process that enabled us to reach this occasion. While I appreciate the consensus that led to the current result, I am aware that Joint Board members may disagree on how to pursue long-term separations reform. On that separate issue, I am encouraged by the Commission’s progress on extending the existing separations freeze and look forward to taking further actions to eliminate unnecessary and technologically-irrelevant separations burdens.