Kittyha1.u!c Broadcasting Oorp. et aZ. 153 FCC 67-256 ,BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.O. 20554 In TIl Applications of KITTYIB.'VK BROADCAS'l'L'fG CORP., KETTERING, OHIO Reque8ts: 1140 kc, 1 kw, DA·Day THE GEM CITY BROADOASTING Co., KErTER· lNG, OIliO Requests: 1140 kc, 5 kw, 1 kw (OH) , DA-2, Day 'VESTERN OHIO BROADCASTING SERVICE, INC., EATON, OHIO Requests: 1130 kc, 250 w, DA, Day TREATY CITYRADIO~INC., GREENVILLE, OHIO Requests: 1130 kC,250 w, DA, Day JAMES L. SOHMALZ, PHYLISS .A..c-..rN .sCHMALZ, JAMES I. Toy, JR., AND THOMAS A. GALL- NEYER~D.B.A. BLOOl\UKGTON BROADCASTING Co.,BLoo:~UXGTON,IND. Requests: 1130 kc, 1 kw, Day VOICE OF THE OHIO VALLEY, me., LomsVILLE, Ky. Requests: 1130 kc, 10 kw, DA·Day W. V. RA>1SEY AND LEWIS YOUNG, D.B.A. SHIVELY BROADCASTING Co., SHIVELY, Ky. Requests: 1130 kc, 500 w Day ALBERT S. TEDESCO (vYvVC11), BRAZIL, IND. HaB: 1380 kc, 500 w, DA·Day Requests: 1130 kc, 500 w, Day COOK, INC., ELLETTSYU.LE, IND. RequCBts: 1110 ke, 250 w, Day For Construction Permits Docket No. 17243 File No. BP-16603 Docket No. 17244 File No. BP-16877 Docket No. 17245 File No. BP-16816 Docket No. 17246 File No. BP-16881 Docket No. 17247 File No. BP-1687G Docket No. 17248 File No. BP-16878 Docket No. 17249 File No. BP-1G738 Docket No. 17250 File No. BP-16669 MEMORANDU1ramillg" needs; (0) The extent to \vhich the needs of the specified station location are being met by existing standard broadcast stations; (c) The extent to \vhich the applicant's program proposal will meet the specific unsatisfied programing needs of its specified station loca tion ; and (d) The extent to which the projected sources of the applicant's advertising revenUeS witl1in its' specified station location me adequate to support its proposal, as compared with its projected sources from all other areas. 4. To determine, in the event that it is concluded, pursuant to the foregoing issue (a), that the proposal 'NiH not realistically provide a local trallsmiss-ion service for its specified station location, whether such pro posal meets all ,of the technical provisions of the rules for standardbroad~ cast stations assigned to the most populous community for which it is determined that the proposal will realistically provide a local transmission service, namely, Dayton, Ohio. 158 Federal Oommwnications Oommission Reports 5. To determine whether the proposal of the Gem City Broadcasting Co. will realistically provide a local transmission facility for its specified station location or for another larger community, in light o.f all the relevant evidence, including, but not necessarily limited to, the showing with respect to: (a) The extent to wbich the specified startion location has been ascer tained by the applicant to have separate and distinct programing needs: ('b) . The extent to which the needs of the sp€cified station location are being met by existing standard broadcast stations; (0) The extent to which the applicant's program proposal will meet the specific uDsatisfied programing needs of its specified station locaw tion; and (d) The extent to which the projected sources of the applicant's advertising revenues within its specified station location are adequate to support its proposal, as compared with its projected SOUrces from all other areas. 6. To d-etermine, in the event that it is concluded, pursuant to the fore going issue (a), that the proposal will not realistically provide a local transmission service for its :specified station loeation, ,,,,bethel' such pro posal meets all of the technical provisions of the rules fDr standard broad cast stations assigned to the most populous community for which it is de termined that the prop.osal will realistically provide a local transmii'>sion servic,~.namely, Dayton, Ohio. 7. To determine whether the antenna parameters proposed by ·Western OhioBroad(;~;'ltingService, Inc., accurately depict the proposed directional antenna 1!2'dii:{),on pattern. 8. To determine with respect to the application of Treaty City Radio, Inc.: (a) The availahility to the applicant of a $25,000 bank loan from the Oitiz.ens State Bank of Greenville, Ohio. (b) To determine the financial ability of Clarence E., Anna Lou, and Craig E. Plessigner to meet their commitment'S to purChase stocli: of the Treaty City Radio, Inc. (0) To determine the basis for the applicant's estimate of revenue in its first yearo! operation, wbether such estimate is reaS'onable, and the extent to which revenues may be relied upon to yield necessary funds for the operation of the proposed station fO'r the first year. (4) In light of the evidence adduced pursuant to the above issues whether Treaty City Radio, Inc., is financially qualified to construct and operate its proposed station. 9. To determine whether the transmitter site proposed by Treaty City Radio, Inc., is satisfactory with particular regard to any conditions that may exist in the vicinity of the antenna system which would preclude adjust ment and maintenance of 'the proposed directional antenna system. 10. To determine, with respect to the application of Bloomington Broad casting Co.: (a) The ahility of James and Phyliss Schmalz to meet their commit ments to contribute $19,000 in capital to the partnership. (b) The basis for the applicant's basis of revenue in its first year of ·operation, whether such estimate is reasonable, and the extent to which such revenues may be relied upon to yield necessary funds for the operation of the proposed station for the first year. (0) Whether, in light {l;f the evidence 'adduced pursuant to the above issues, the applicant is financially qualified to· construct and operate its proposed station. 11. To determine whether there is a reasonable possibility that the tower height and location propDsed by Bloomington would constitute a menace to air navigation. 12. r!,o determine whether tbereis a reasonable possibility that the tower height and location proposed by Kittyha,,\'k Broadcasting Corp. would con stitute a mena'Ce to air navigation. 7 F.e.C. 2d KittyhCl10k Broadcasting Oorp. et al. 159 13. To determine, with respect to the application of Voice of the Ohio Valley, Inc.: (n) The ability of Jack L. Gibson and John O. Bland, Jr., to meet their commitments to purchase stock in the Voice of Ohio Valley, Inc. (b) The basis for the applicant's estimate of revenue in its first year of operaUon, whether such estimate is reasonable, and the extent to which revenues may be relied upon to yield necessary funds for the operation of the proposed station for the first year. (c) To determine, in the light of the evidence adduced pursuant to the aforesaid issue, whether the 'applicant is financially qualified to construct and operate ilts proposed station. 14. To deteTmine whether Voice of Ithe Ohio Valley, Inc., will be able to adjust and maintain the proposed directional antenna system within the maximum expected operating values of radiation, as proposed. 15. To determine, with respect to the application of Shively Broadcasting Co.: (a) The ability of ",V. V. Ramsey and Louis Young to meet their fi nancial commitments to contribute sufficient capi'tal which would enable them to oonstruct and operate a standard station, as proposed. (b) The basis for the applicant's estimate of revenue in its first year of operation, ,,,hether such estimate is reasonable, and the extent to which revenues may be relied upon to yield necessary funds for the operation of the proposed station for the first year. (0) vVhether the deferred credit of Collins Radio Co. is a vaUable, (d) V/hether, in light of the evidence 'adduced pursuant to the fore going issue, the applicant is financially qualified to construct and operate its proposed station. 16. 'Vhether the proposal of Shively Broadcasting Co. will realistically provide a local transmission facility for Hs specified station looation or for another larger community, in light of all relevant evidence, inclUding, but not necessarily limited to, the sho"vhlg with respect to: (a) The extent to which the specified station location has been ascer tained by the applicant to havesepal~ateand distinct programing needs; (b) The extent to which the needs of the specified station location are being met by existing standard broadcast stations; (c) The extent to ,vhich the applicant's llrogram proposal will meet the specific Ul1satisJied programing needs of its specified sbationlocation; and (d) The ex'tent to which the projected sources of the applicant's ad vertising revenues within its specified station location are adequate to support its proposal, as compared with its projected sources from all other areas. 17. To determine, in the event that it is concluded, pursuant to the fore going issue (a), that the proposal will not realistically provide a local trans mission service for its specified station location. whether such proposal meets all of the technical provisions of the rules, for standard broadcl:tst statiollB assigned to the most populous community for which it is determined that t.he proposal will realistically provide a local transmission service, namely, Louisville, Ky. 18. To determine, in the light of section 307 (b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, which of the proposals wonld best provide a fail', efficient, and equitable distribution of radio service. 19. To determine, in the event it is concluded that a choice between the applications s'hould not be based solelY on considerations relating to' section :)07 (b), which of the o'perations proposed in the aboye-c.aptioned applications would better serve the public interest. 20. To determine, in the light of the evidence adduced pursuant t'O' the foregoing issues, which, if any, of the applications should be granted. I t ,is tUTther orde?'ed, That, in vie\v of the engineering showings COll tained in BP-16878, BP-16877, BP-16876, BP-16881, and BP-16816, the provisions of section 1.569 (b) (2) Are 10ah.'ed with respect to these applications. 7 F.C.C. 2d 160 Federal Oommunications Oommission Reports It is further ordered, That Bloomington Broadcasting Co.'s motion to dismiss the application of Cook, Inc., Is granted, and the Cook application Is returned as unacceptable for filing. It is further ordered, That the Federal Aviation Agency is made a party to this proceeding. It is further ordered, That, in the event of a grant of any of the above-captioned applications, the construction permit shall contain the following condition: Pending a final decision in docket No. 14419 with respect to pre sunrise operation with daytime facilities, the present provisions of se,ction 73.87 of the COlll111ission's rules are not extended to this authorization, and such operation is precluded. It is further ordered, That, in the event of a grant of the application of Voice of the Ohio Valley, Inc., the permittee shall assume respon sibility for the elimination of interference due to external cross modulation and for the installation and adjustment of filter circuits or other equipment in the antenna system of the proposed operation and of station WXVlV, or any other stations, which Inay be necessary to prevent adverse effects due to reradiation. In addition, field ob servations shall be made to determine whether spurious emissions exist, and any objectionable interference problems resulting therefrom shall be eliminated. It is further ordered, That, in the event of a grant of the application of Albert S. Tedesco, the construction perm_it shall contain a condition that, prior to program tests being authorized, the permitee shall dismantle tIm unused antenna towers located on the vv"'WCM antenna site or, in the alternative, submit satisfactory evidence that they have been detuned in a manner which would eliminate any problems of reradiation. It is fifrther ordered, That, to avail themselves of the opportunity to be heard, the applicantB and party respondent herein, pursuant to section 1.221 (c) of the Commission's rules, in person or by attorney, shall, within 20 days of the mailing of this ordN', file with the Com mission, in triplicate, a written appearance stating an intention to appear on the date fixed for the hearing and present evidence. on the issues specified in this order. It is further ordered, That the applicants herein shall, pursuant to section 311 (a) (2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and section 1.594 of the Commission's rules, give notice of the hea.ring, either individually or, if feasible and consistent with the rules, jointly, within the time and in the manner prescribed in such rule, and shall advise the COlumission of the publication of such notice as required by section 1.594(g) of the rules. FEDERALC01l-1MU~TOATIO~SCOMMISSION, BEN F. ViTAPLE,Secretary. 7 F.C.C. 2d