FCC 67-578 FM Table of .d8signments BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 159 In the Matter of AMENmfENT OF SECTION 73.202, TABLE OF ASSIGNMENTS, FM BROADCAST STATIONS (LEITCHFIELD, Ky., ROLLA -'ND COLIDIfBU, Mo., BAKERSFIELD, CALIF., S-'NDUSKY, MiCH., ENTERPRISE -'ND TROY, ALA., L.rrSSION: COMMISSIONERS BARTLEY -'ND COX DISSENTING: Co"rMlssIONERS vV-'DSWORTH AND JOHNSON -'BSENT. ' 1. The Commission has under consideration the further notice of proposed rulemaking issued herein on November 4, 1966 (FCC 66 963), proposing to amend the FM Table of Assignments (sec. 73.242 of the rules) by assigning channel 285A at Columbus, Ohio, and substituting channel 296A for 285A at Circleville, Ohio. The proposal was supported by the Christian Voice of Central Ohio (Christian Voice), a potential applicant for the Columbus assignment, and opposed by Honor L. Greenawalt and Nelson R. Embrey II, doing business as Circleville Broadcasting Co., licensee of statIOn WNRE (FM), on channel 285A at Circleville CWNRE). This station would ehange channels under the proposal. These were the only commenting parties. BACKGROUXD 2. A brief account of the background of this matter will be helpful. The Table of FM Assignments (sec. 73.202 of the rules), adopted in mid-1963,' contained seven channels at Columbus, six class B channels on which stations were in operation, and channel 285A, designed to provide an additional channel in line with the general population criteria used in preparing the table.' Channel 292A was assigned to ]. 'l'hird report, memorandu.m opinion and order in docket 14185, 23 R.R. 1859, FCC 63 135 released Aug. 1, 1963. 2 FUrther notice of proposed rulemaking in docket 14185, FCC 62-867, release channels, and asserts that neither applies here becanse ill both of those cases the new channel "lYould be the first in the commnnitv. 6. c\. good deal of the argnments of the pa!·ties rdates to reimburse ment to\Y~~REfor the cost of changing cllnIllWls, ,vhJeh }wl'e, as in other similar cases, will be expected in a reasonable amonnt. Christian Voice, as it had earlier, states that if it becomes the permittee, it is ready to reimburse lVKHE for the legitimate and prndent out-of pocket expenses incurred in the 111ove,' engineeringcost~or othen-dse, and to have the Commission decide the matter if the parties cannot azree. 1VKRE questions Christian Yoice's ability to pay andnr"es that it should pay regardless of "lYhether it ultimately gets the. channel or not, since It is the party causing the shift jf one is reqnired. This party asks that, if the proposal is adopted despite its opposition, ChrIstian Voice be required to commit itself to pay the reasonable and prudent costs of the change in frequency. lY)fRE sets forth a list of cost items it believes to be appropriate for reimbursement, set forth below and total1ngo,~er$l;)~OOO,and asks for a Con1mission determinatiollftS to which of these Christian Voice should be required to pay. In reply, Christian 'Voice restates its willingness to pay reasonable costs but only if it gets the channels, ques60ns both the amounts set forth by lVKRE amI ,,-hether certain items are properly includible at all, and rcasserts its ability to pay (sho,ving cash in bank of more than $5.000). An engineering affidavit is attached in snpport of Christian ,701ce 's lower cost figures. ~Wt' note that ont' ColumbusVH station. WCOL-F::'tI. whkh waB rf'Quirpd to pl"Ol!ram i'.pparately from the companionA~Istation 50 percent of the time stnrting .Tun. L 19.G7, tin;; turned to a formatlar~elydevotf'd to religious music of VnriOlli'. kind". Howpyer, rf'li· giOllsmusic is; only oDe of thp se,eral types of reli.l!1oUs programing propo;;ed by f'hr!;;tian Voir'e. There is particular reference in the oppol;;ition to a ;;tutiun at Springfiflold. Ohio, li(~eIl~el1to a religious .eToup and df'votf'd primarIly to-relt~iOlls;programing, which WNRE (·laimf-; is cle-arl)' rpcpjye-d in Columbus. Ho-wf"ver, we- note that. 43 miles away" thift station rl 27 eitie.. with 1960 cenens populations larger than Colum'buB, only two (Atlanta and Memphis) are assigned six commercial channels; the rest have se"\'"en or more. Several dties smaller than Columbus have seven or more, including Birmingham, Oklahoma City. Omaha. and portland (Oreg.). (; FCC v. Sunders Brot1/ers Rad·io Station, 309 U.S. 470 (1940). 8 F.C.C. 2d Fill Table of A88ig'llments 163 cannot be decided on the basis of programing to any substantial exter:t, for one reason because it cannot be determmed who the grantee WIll ultimately turn out to be, and for another because programing is sub ject to change. However, if it does develop that Christian Voice be comes the licensee on the new Columbus channel, it appears that a sig nificant contribution to the programing available in that area would be made. 10. Accordingly, we conclude that the public interest wonJd be served by adoption of the proposal. As mentioned in the background discussion earlier, at one time there appeared to be another means of providing another channel in the Columbus area, and channel 280A wasassign~dat nearby Xew Albany. It later developed that this assigmnent could not be used in compliance WitJl the mileage separa tiou and principal eity coverage rule. In the further notiee we indi eated that we regarded assignment of that ehannel on what would necessarily be a short-spaced basis as inappropriate. especiallv when an additional Columbus assigmnent can be provided 'eonsistently with the rules. ,Ve adhere to that decision here, and channel 280A is being deleted from New Albany. There is no reason to make assignments in derogation of the rules when an assignment ean be provided whieh meets standard separation requirements. See Danville and Gretna., Virginia, docket 15987, 5 FCC 2d 333, 8 R.R. 2d 1595 (1966). 11. Reimbu.rsement: Who 8hould pay.-1VNRE claims that it shonJd be reimbursed by Christian Voice whether or not that party becomes the permittee on the new Columbns ehanne!; Christian Voice asserts that it should be responsible only if it gets the ehannel and that whoever becomes the permittee should be the source of reimbursement. We agree with Christian Voiee. In the Kenton-Bellefontaine case cited by ,VXRE, and in other such cases, we have repeatedlY stated that the reimbursement should eome from the party benefitiilg from the ehan)!e: i.e., whoever becomes the. permittee on the new channel (see 3 FCC 2d 605). 12. Cost item,; claimed.-As mentioned above, ,VNRE sets forth a total of $15,409 whieh it believes to be "legitimate and necessary out of-pocket expenses" and asks the Commission to rule on which items we believe are reasonable and prudent, and require Christian Voiee to eommit itself to pay them. Christian iToiee III reply comments (sup ported by an engineering affidavit) questions several of the cost figures and asserts that one Item-losses m revenue--shouldno~be lllc1uded at all. ,Ve do not here pass upon the amounts set forth, smce it cannot now be determined what they will actually prove to be; it appears at this point that Christian Yoice's lower figures will likely be closer to the mark. The largest sum we have approved in these cases is $2,800. ,Ve belieye it appropriate, for the guidance of the partie? here and in sill1ilar .cases, to~nalmcertain observations as to what Items may be the subject of rellllbursement: (a.) Engineering, legal a,nd equipment.-WNRE claims a total of about $6,700 in engineering and technical costs ($5.000 for a new antenna and installation; $175 for monitors, $15 for a frequency-measuring service, $1,000 in consulting engineering foo davs after grant of an application for that channel at Columbus. i 6. In view of the foregoing, 1t i'5 ordered. That: (a) Section 73.202 of the Commission:s rules. the Table ofF~r Assignments, 18 amended. effective June 19, 1967, to delete the reference to New Albany, Ohio; (b) Section 73.202 Is amended, effective October 1, 1967 to re~ldas follows with respect to the cities listed: ' City: Channel No. Circleville. Ohio 2963.. Columbus, Ohio 222, 234, 2-±2, 2-±6, 230, 2:;9, 285A (c) An a.ppIication for renewal of license of station'Y~"'RE. Circleville, Ohio, Shall specify channel 296A instead of channel 285A; (d) Station ,YNRE, Circleville, Ohio, 111ay continue to oper ate on chan:nel.285A untilOc~ober1, 1967, or 45 days after grant of an apphcatlOn for a statIOn on channel 285.A. at Colmnbus, Ohio, whichever is later: or the licensee thereof may apply for temporary authority to operate on channel 296A prior to October 1, 1967: (e) At least 30 days before it wishes to commence operation on channel 296A, or within 30 days after it receives notification from the Commission that its operating authority on channel 296A under paragraph 15 (d) above, is about to terminate, the licensee of station 1YNRE shall submit to the Commission the technical information normally required of an applicant for construction permit on channel 296A, including any c:hanges in antenna and transmission line; and within 30 days after receiving Con1lllis sian authority to operate on channel 296A it shall submit the measurement clata normally required of an applicant forF~f station license. 17. Authoritv for the adoption of the amendments is contained in sections 4: (i), 303, 307(b), and 316 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. It is j1£1'ther ordered. That this proceeding Is termi1Wted. FEDEIL\.L COl\r:;I:rU:NlCATIONS COl\UrrSSIO:N, BEX F. 'ViTAPLE, SeCr'etary. 8 F.e.e. 2d