Docket No. 19906 RM-1786 .Extension Metering of B7'oadcast Tm1l.fJmitters 387 FCC '74-1150 BEFORE THE' FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554:· . In the Matter of . , } A...c"UEND$rENT OF PART 73 OF THECO:M]~IISSION'S RULES AND REGULATIONS' To PROVIDE FOR EXTENS;rON METERING OF BROADCAST'rRANS~ 1I'IITrERS ; , . REI;'ORT AND ORDER (Proceeding Terminated) (Adopted Gctober 22,1974; Released October 30,1974) By THE COMlVIlSSION: , 1. In its continuing effortconcern~ngthe re-regulation of the broad casting services the 'Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rule 'Making in; this proceeding on 'December 28, 1973. The closin&, 51ates for comments and reply comments were lVIarch 5, 1974, and lVlarch 26, 1974,respectively.Publicatioll was made in the Federal Register on January 4, 19'74 (39 Fed. Reg. 1070). 2. Comments were filed 'by parties listed in Appendix A attached hereto. No reply comments were filed. 3. This proceeding was illstituted to consider ruleamendments which : would permit the use of'extension meters. 'Vithollt exception, the parties filillg c.omments urged f;1vora.b1e consideration of the conc.ept flmbodiedin.the'proposal but more than two-thirds of the parties recommended that one or more of. the conditions be adopted in a re vised form. Many of the parties iu:ged that the Com.niission not require that the tranSmitter location be confined to the same huilding as, and . .withill one floor of, the normal operating location aitd that the path from the iiormal operating location to the transmitter }10t be limited to 100 feet> In lieu of these limitations it was urged that the 'rules should'pernlit.locatinglthe transmitter in an 'adjoining building; locat ing the transmitter on thesaine property or on the same premises Or within thEi'sa.ihe 'comil'1ex; locating the transmitter 300-400 feet from the normal openttillg lpcation;usillg some tin:wstalldard rather than a distance standard, s1¥Jh as, 'access ill30.sEiCong.s and access ill 5 minutes; "andihatthejrelative location of the transmitter and normal operat ing location bec1eterniined solelyon the"basis of operating convenience. 4. A number'of parties additionally'urged that,theCommission riot require thatinod:u.lation monitors and antenna monitors be co-located '1yith extension meters and that extension meters for plate voltage,and 'plate current Of the visu,al transmitter at television" station's not be reqlJired' The,'partiessuggest thatthe modulation'andaiite11lla moni torsare better Ideated at thet;ransmitter for use when testing or per- " formingrri'airitenance (Hi that'equipment and thatindications provided ,. ;49 F.O.C. 2d 388 Federal' Oommunications Oommissio?1; Repm-ts by the monitors may reliably be extended to the normal operating]oca~ tion. The parties oppose adoption of' a requirement that extension meters for the plate voltage and current of visual transmitters be in stalled, contending that it would be unneces&'trily burdensome since there is no corresponding requirement that these parameters be logged. 5. Some parties suggested that, if extension meters are employed, it should be required that the operating location be equipped with an on-off switch so that the transmitter may be activated andd~-activated from that location. It is suggested that: in an emergency situation the oiltput of the transmitter could ibe interrupted immedia.tely from the operating location without the delay of ail operator having to go to the location of the transmitter; it would facilitate interrupliiiig the transmitter carrier in connection with EBS tests and alerts; it wohld facilitate timely switch-overs in conn8ction with operation of share time stations; and, it would permit the operator to be at the operating location at all times when the transmitter is supplying power to the antenna. 6. Finally, parties have urged that the Connnissicin not specify that a.11 required meters 1;>e extended and jndicat.e cOlltinuo\lsly.­ tIes contend that, Sllice the traIlSlUltter WIll be rBudilyaccessrble It should be sufficient. toextencl orily the meter indicating antenna power, with other parameters set to give a visual or audible alarm to n.lert the ?perator iftolerance1imitsareapproa~h.edor exceeded. Alternati,;,ely, It has heen suggested that use of a dIgItal metet to sample speCIfied pa~'ameterssequenti'!l11yor on command wOlHd provideadequat(!. sur- veillance of station performance. .... DISOUSSION 7. This proceeding was instituted for,the very limited purpqse of providing relief for those licensees who, pursuant to existingreql~ire­ ments regarding transmitter visibility froI11 the oper:ator's location, have found itne~essaryto take such measures as installing a window in a studio wall or resortin;g toimirrors or aclosed-circuit TV system. The altel'l1ative is to apply for lJ:uthority to operate by remote control. 8. That aspect of the Commission:s proposal which drew thegreat~st number of Gomments .was its proposal to l:equire that tIletI~ansmitter be located in the same building as, and no ·l11ore.than onefiOOl~above ol'.helow, the operator's location and that the.path fromtheoperatpr's location to the transmitter be no greater than 100i~eet:Parties vari ously urged that the niles permit mstalling the, tra;nsmItte.r in a sepa rate building, or on the same premises, or withintne. SGJ.,I!,t1e. ,complex, or within the cpnfine.s of the same building. AdditionaIly, some parl;it;'s urged that,Ur,standard specifying ft ,distance in excess ofl0QIeet 0,1' a standard in terms of time rather than distance be adopted. IIi develop ing its proposal the Commission flonsidered, at greatle;ngth, standards precisely in line with these suggestions: and fcrqncl them lUlacceptable. It concluded that standards lees restrictive than those set out inUle Notice w.. 0.u,let n.ot bein keeping with th.e l.imited.. ' purpose"for~vhichjlll.. ·s proceedingwus.instituted and w;ould not strike the proper balance he tween affording greater flexibility in regard'tp (tesigning station facHi- ,. ties and installmg equipment,~ll1dl;iptalning the operator's capability to 49 F.O.C.,,?d Emtens£on Metering of BToadoast l'mn.smitters 389 exercise transmitter control with minimmn delay. Upon considering the comments submitted, the Commission is not persnaded that its earlier conclusion should be modified. Accordingly, the pertinent rules' will be adopted as.proposed. . 9. Upon weighing those comments questioningthe proposed require ment that antenna monitors be installed at the e-xtension meter location, the Commission is persuaded that its proposal should be modified. Accordingly, the rules adopted herein will not specify that the-antenna monitor be installed at the samelocation as extension meters. The loca tion of sHch monitors will therefore be governed by Section 73,69, which.' requires that they be installed at the transmitter. Pursuant to this requirelnent, operators at a number of stations employing exten sion meters will be i'equired to visit the transmitter location at intervals not exceeding 3 hours in order to .observe and log readings of ph;1se and {Lntenna current ratios. 'While many licensees may view this 'as a highlydesirableexeTcise~others may view it as an inconvenience to be avoided, ifpossible. The rules being adopted will accommodate both viewpoints, in that, while they cohtinue to require. that the antenna monitor be installed at.the transmitter, they will additionally provide that stations equipped with a type approved antenna monitor may, at the-licensee's option, employ external meters installed attl:ieeKte.nsion meter location if such external meters meet the.specifications for ac curacy andrepeatability prescribed for the. monitor itself, and, when connected to the monitor, do not adversl}ly affect its performance. '. 10. A number of parties urged that the Commission not require that a;station's modulation monitor be installed at the extension meter loca tion. The Commission's proposal inihis regard was designed to make a'tailable to the operator indications provided by the monitor's peak flasher. Becau:se of its response characteristics, the flasher. is a better indicatorofmodulationexcess~s.thall the percent modulation meter and is the more useful tool for observing- instances of overmodulation. As some parties have noted, most· modulation'monitors readily adapt to providing indications on an external meter without loss of relia bility. The same is ,not true however, in regard t.o extending indica tions of the peak flasher. Since the Commission's concern is that the peak flasher be'availableto the operator,thenlles adopted herein will meet. this objective. This can be achieved, however,while still pro viding a degree of flexibility. Accordingly, the rules will prescribe. that stations·employing extension meters shall install modulation inonitors at the extension meter location, except that, the modulation monitor may be installed at the transmitter if the extension meter location is equipped with.a percent modulation meter and peak flashe-r (for aural transmitters) and apparatus formonitoring visual signals to determine that such signals comply with COlnlnission requirements (for video transmitters), and such equipment provides continuous and accurllte indications of pertinent modulation charU:cteristics.. . 11. The Commission.con,curs!?ed 'by some patties concerning theprol?:QSbafeqtii#~enCthate-xtehsionmeters~orthe plate voltage andcUl~rentofvisual transmitters be installed. Accord ingly, the rules adopted will not' require extension meters for these parameters. 49 F.C.C. 2d 390 Federal Oom7T/'unicatioi18 Oommission Reports 12. The Commission is not persuaded that the:-ruJe amendments adopted herein should include a requirementthat the extension meter location be equipped with a transmitter on-off switch. The thrust of this proceeding is to develop standards which provide for the use of extension meters while retaining an adequate monitoring capability. On~offcontrol of the transmitter involves an activity distinctly apart from the monitoring function and inclusion of the suggested require ment is not necessary to satisfactory resolution ofthis proceeding. The Commission is further persuaded that a substantial plus factor accrues to having the operator at the transmitter controls ,,,hen the "on" switch 'is activated so that any necessary adjustments can be made without delay. ' , , ' 13. In its consideration of comments urging that the rules not specify that all required meters be extended and indicate continuously, the. Coml,nissiona~aindire~ts~ttentio~lto the limited purpose. for whIch tins proceedlllg was lUstltuted, 'I.e., to relax the~'transmltter visi~ility".r~quirem~nt..Inkeepi!1g.with that purpose, proposals to modIfy eXlstmg momtormgcapablhtlBs must be regarded as beyond the scope b:f this proceeding; This becomes even more apparent when one considers that the question of what constitutes adequgte surveillance of station performance has application for alllllodes of station operation and is not confined to operations employing extension meters. Under these circumstances, the Commission is persuaded that the rules set out in its Notice shoul.dbe adopted, essentially in the for111 proposed. The one respect in which the final rules reflect a change is in regard to installing extension meters to monitor base cnrrents of each :antenna element. As adopted, the rules will substitute therefore a requireillent that the antenna current for nondi-rectional operations be monitored. 14. As a final matter, therules adopted include several editorial re visions required to conform related rules'sections with changes effected herein. ; "." . " 15. Having considered aU of the inforniation before it, and in ac cordance with the foregoing discussion, IT IS ORDERED,.That effec tive February 5, 1975, Part 73 of the Commission's Rules and Regula- ' tions ISAMENDED as set forth inthe attached Appendix:. , 16. Authority for the action taken herein is contained in Sections 4(i), and 303 (j) and (1') of the'CommunicationsAct of 1934, as amended. ' 17. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED" ThuVthis proceeding IS TERMINATED~.'.I."'. " ' FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, '.V:iNCE~T'J.MtlLLINS, Secretary;. Attachmellts:App~~(lixA,ApPy'~ciiXB.,"", " . APPENDIX A Ame~ca~,:!3roaq~af\l;illg.Comp~I).i~s!.:tn~·f' . ".i" , .AssoCHltwn forBroa~castEngJ.neeTIngStandards,Inc, ... '.., , Associa,tionM :Federal (Ji:>mniunications:Ctms,ultingEJiiihleers, Charles River Broadcasting Co.' ,"/ J i' . '.'c.' Clay Bro!ldcasting CorPoration of Virginia. Collier Broadcastil1g Co. Davidson County Broadcasting Co. 49 'F.e.C. 2d E'JJtension Metering of Broadcast Transmitters 391 Gateway Broadcasters, Inc. Gilmore Broadcasting Group. Heart O'Wisconsin Broadcasters, Inc. Lohnes and Culver. .National Association of Broadcasters. National Bmadcasting Co., Inc. Nationwide Communications, Inc. Rowland Broadcasting Co., Inc. and Sun-Coast Radio, Inc. S & SBroadcasting Co, Station WFNC. Station WH'l.'G. Station WYLS. Station KONI. WestinghouseBr~adcastingCo., Inc. APPEl\TDIX B i. In § 73.56, Par. (a) is amended to read as follows; § 73.56 iIl'IODULATION MONITORS. (a) Each station shall have in operation, either at the transmittN' or the ex tension meter location, 01' the place the transmitter is controlled, a modulation monitor of a type approved by the Commission. NOTE.-Approved modulation monitors are included on the 'Commission's "Radio Equipment List". Copie.s of this list are available for inspection at the Commission's offices in Washington, D.C., and at each of its field offices. • $= ... • 2. The undesigl1ated heading "Remote Control" pl'eceeding the line, 73.66 Re mote Control Authorizations, is deleted. 3. Section 73.70 is added new to read as foHows: § 73,70 IErtENSION METERS. The extension of specified meters and monitoring devices is permitted, without p'riol' authorization of the Commission, upon compliance with each of the following: . (a) That the transmitter is in the same building as the nOl'mal operating loca tion of the station's licensed operator and is no more than one floor above or belGw the normal ope'rating location. (b) That the path from the normal operating location to the transmitter is no longer than 100 feet and provides the operator with ready access to the transmitter. .. . (c) That the required extension meters and monitoring devices are sufficiently close to the operator's normal operating location that deviations from normal indications of such instruments can be observed from that location. (d) That extension meters shall be installed for monitoring the DC plate circuit current and voltage of the last radio frequency amplified stage', and the antenna current for non-directional operation or common point current for direc tional opetation.The installation'and operation of,theseinetel~shall be i.1i.' ac cordance with requirements prescribed for theIr corresponding regular meters. (e) That each' of the extension meters require'd in paragraph (d) of this sec'; tion shall continuously sample the parameter for.-which it is' Installed and con- stantly-,indicate thatparaineter. . ., . . .. " (f) That, fOr. each mode of,operation', the extension rn.eters required. pursuant to paragraph (d) (Jf this section are'calibratedcagains£ their corresponding regU lar meters as often as necessary to insure their accuracy, but in no event less than once,a'weel{ and:- ..., . _.. . .' -(1) The results of such calibration shan be entered in the station's m"ain- tenance log. . . ' (2) In no event shall an extension meter 'be calibrated agafns't another extension or remote meter. (3) Each extension meter shall be accurate within 2% ofth~value read on its corresponding"regular meter.· "","" '". .:, .. (g) That the station's modulationmonitbrfs inst"alr'ed aUlle extensfilIlmeter location: Provided that, the modulation monitor may be installed at the trans- 49 F.C.C. 2<1 392 Federal Oommunications Oommis8ion Reports mittel' if the extension meter location is equipped with a percentage modulation meter and peak indicating device which provide continuous and accmate indi cati,;ms of pertinent modulation levels. (h) That, if thestation is equipped with a type approved antenna monitor, external meters meeting the specifications for accuracy and repeatability pre scrihed for the monitor itself may be installed at the extension meter location. 0) That in -the event a malfunction of any component of the extensi.on meter system causes inaccurate readings, the pertinent entries required in the station's operating log must 'be read and logged at the specified intervals from the meters located at the transmitter. If a malfunction l'esults in inaccurate extended indica tions of the p.ntenna monitor, the pertinent entries required in the station's operating log must be read and logged at the specified intervals from thE' meters incorporated in the antenna monitor. If a malfunction affects extended indica tions of the modulation monitor, the liceuseeshall, pending l'epair or replacement, employ a cathode ray oscilloscope or other stlitable means for monitoring modula tion at the extension meter location, 'Vhen a malfunction is detected, an appro priate entry shall be made in the station's maintenance log, showing the date of occurrence and-identifying the indicating device (s) affected. An entry, appro priately- dated, shall"also be made when repair or replacement is completed. If a malfunctioning component cannot be repaired or replaced within 60 days from the date faulty operation is detected, the Engineer in ()harge of the radio district in which the station is located shaUbe notified and request shall be made for such additional time as is needed to~ompletethe neCessary repair or replacement. (j) That the tmnsmitter is so installed and protected that it is not accessible to persons other than those duly authorized by the licensee. 4. Section 73.92(0) is amended to read as follows: § 73.92 STATION AND OPERATOl\ LWENSES ; POSTlNG OF. * * * (0) The operator license, or Form 759 (Verification of Operator License 01' Pe~'nilt),of each station operator employed fulHime, part-time or via contract, silall be permanently posted and shall remain posted so long as the opel'ator is employed by the licensee, (1) The operator licenses shall be posted: (i) Either at the transmitter or extension meter location; or (ii) At the principal remote control point, if the station license au thorizes operation by remote control. (2) 'Posting of operator licenses shall be accomplished by affixing the license to the wall at the posting location, or enclosing in a binder, or in serting in folder and retaining at the posting location so that the licenses will , he l'eadily available and easily accessible at that location. 5. Section 73.93 (a) is amended to read as follo"s : § 73.93 OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS, (a) One or more operators holding a radio operator license Or permit of a grade specified in this section shall be in actual charge of the transmitting syStem, and shall be. on duty at the transmitter locatiop, or at an authorized remote control point, or the position at which extension meters, as authorized·pursuant to § 73.70 of this 'Subpart are located,~etransmitter and required monitors and. metering equipment, OJ: the required extension meters and monitoring equipment and other required metering equipment, or the controls and required monitoring and metering equipment in an authorized remote control operation, shall' be readily accessible to the licensed operator and located sufficiently close to the normal operating location that deviations from normal indications of required instruments can be observed from that location, * * '* * * :$ '* 6. Section 73.114 (a) (1) is amended by adding a new subsection (vii) to read as follows: § 73.114 MAINTENANCE LOG. (a) * * >I< (1) * * >I< (vii) A notation of the results of calibration of each extension meter against its corresponding regular meter, as required by § 73.70. The entry 49 F.C.C. 2d shallincl~dea showing of each meter reading observed prior to recalibra- tion<,l~theexteJl~ipnmeters,'" ' * * '!' , * ,;I' * 7. Section 73.253 (a.) is amended to read as follows: § 73.25&' MOI>U;w..TION1I'I0NITORS. ;> (a) Each station shaH have in op.erlltiop- eitlieratt),1et~'l),)ls3Uittel'OJ:, the ex tension meter !l)Cation, or at the place where the transmitter is cOJltr:olled,a modulation, n;lOnito.r, 9fa type approved l{Y thLCOlllmisslonfor'tioll,"nl'filtiplex opel'ation: Provided; That :: (lLlf the station i!)e)l~ag!')11in stereophonic l)pe,J;ation as contemplated by § 73.297, the licerisee shall have in' operationS. moHtiliLtion monitor of a tY@,apprQyed by they,o;II\mi~sioJ;li(im'q:qi~orinistereop}ion'id:ope.ra­ tion, an4 (2) it'thestati~nis erigaged ino~~tion'with ,i Subsidiary Commmlici:t tions AUtl1orizatiOll,ll,S CO,llteD:!-plated by § 7&.2%,t4:e'1ic€!I!;l?ee'~hal~have in. (ip'era tion a modu.latiOIlIP.W;titqr of a typeapprov~4py theyOIll\lliss~onfm:'IP.?.l;litoring SOA operation. ' , . NOTE.-;-.;\..PProvM modulationJ;l1oIl~t()J;s(noIi.'lllultiplex, i3tereoph,opic" ll.4d SOA) are included on the Commission's "Radio Equipment List". Copies of'this list are, available for inspection at the COlllmission'spfflce~'i,h':Washirigton;D.C.;and at each' of its field offices. ':".' ., ,,. . ' * * * * " ": * *" 8. Section 73.264 (b) is amended to, read as follows,:: § 7.3,264 STATIOl:f .....J:p.i OPEltA'\'9R~lCENSES';, l"0sTIN.G 9F:: ), ';, * * 'i< * "', ,* • (b) The operator license, or Form 759'!CYerifica,tion of ,Operatop,Li~en!)eor Permit) J of each station operator employed ':I;uJHim\,!, part-time Qr .na., contract, sball be permanenHY posted and shall remain posted so long as the.op~ratoris employed, by the licensee. '(1) The operatOl'licenses shall be posted: ' ",' (i) lllitherat the transmitter ore:x:t,e~sionmeterlo~atiq~;;or . (ii) At the princip(l.l remote control point, if t4e I:ltationl~cf!nseau- 1:horizes operation by remote control. :" , ' (2) Posting of operator licenses shall ,be accom.plishejl lty 'af(i::dng the license to the wall at the p{)sting lpca;ti()n, or enclosing in a binger, or in serting in folder and retaining at the pO$ting Il)Cation so that the licenses will be readily avail:xble -and easily accessible atthat location. 9. Section 73.265 (a) is amended to read as follows: § 73.265 OPERATOR REQUIREMENTS. (a) One or more operators holding a radio operator license Or permit of a grade specified in this section shall 'be in actual charge' of the tra,J,lsimtting system, and shall be on duty at the transmitter location, or at ari 'authorized remote control point, (}l' the position at which extension meters, as authorized pursuant to § 73.276 of this SUbpart, are Il)Cated. The transmitter and required monitors and metering equipment, or the required, extension meters and monitor ing equipment, or the controls and required monitoring and metering equipment in an authorized remote control operation, shall be readily accessi.ble to the licensed operator and located sufficiently close to the normal operating location that deviations from normal indications of required instruments can be observed. from that location. * * 'I< .. '" * * 10. Section 73.276 is l'edesignated Section 73.277 and a new Section 73.276 is added to read as follows: § 73.276 EXTENSION METERS. The extension of required meters is permitted, without prior authorization of the Commission, upon compUance with each of the following: I(a) That the transmitter is in the same building as the normal operating loca tion of the station's licensed operator and is no'more than one floor above or below the normal operating location. (b) That the path froll). the operating location to the tl.'ansmitter is no longer than 100 feet and provides the operator with ready access to the transmitter. ' , 49 F.C.C. 2d 109-016--74-----3 394 Fedeml 001n1nunications OmnmMsion Rep01'ts (c) That the required extension meters and monitoring devices are sufficiently close to the operator's normal operating location that deviations from norUlal indications of such instruments can be observed from that location. (d) That extension meters shall be installed for monitoring the direct plate voltage and current of the last mdio stage and the transmission line radio fre quency current, voltage, or power. The installation and operation thereof must comply with the same requirements prescribed by the rules for their correspond ing regular meters. (e) That each of the extension meters required in paragraph (d) of this sec tion shall continuously sample the pal'ameter for which it was installed and cQnstantlY indicate that pammeter. (f) That theextens~ionmeters required pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section are calibrate,d against their ,corresponding regular meters as often as necessary to insure their accuracY,but in no event less than once a week and: (1) 'The results of such calibration shall be entered in the station's main tenance log. (2) In no event shall an extension meter be calibrated against anothel' ex tension or remote meter. (3) Each extension meter shall be accurate within 2% of the value read on its corresponding regular meter. (g) That the station's modulation monitor is installed at the same location as the extension metel's: Provided that, the modulation monitor may be installed at the transmitter if the extension meter location is equipped with a percentage modulation meter and peak indicating device which provide continuous and accu rate indications of pertinent levels of total modulation. (h) That in the event a malfunction of any component of the extension meter system causes inaccurate l·eadings. the pertinent entries required in the station's operating log must be read and logged at the specified intervals from the meters located at the transmitter. If a malfunction affects extended indications of the modulation monitor, the licensee shall, pending repair 01" replacement, provide other suitable means for monitoring modulation at the extension meter location. When a malfunction is detected, an appropriate entry shall be made in the sta tion's maintenance log, showing the date of occurrence and identifying the indi cating device(s) affected. An entry, appropriately dated, shall also be made when repair or replacement is completed. If a malfunctioning component cannot be repaired or replaced within 60 days from the date faulty operation is detected, the Engineer in Charge of the radio district"in" which the station is locate{[ shall be notified and request made for such additional time as is needed to complete the necessary repair or replacement. (i) That the transmitter is so installed and protected that it is not accessible to persons other than those duly authorized by the licensee. 11. Section 73.284(a) is amended by inserting a new subparagraph (4) and renumbering the present subparagraphs (4), (5), (6) and (7) as (5), (6), (7) and (8), to read as follows: § 73.284 1IIAI"TENANCE LOG. (n) * * * (4) A notation of the results of calibration of each extension meter against its corresponding regular meter, as required by § 73.276. The entry shall include a showing of each meter reading observed prior to recalibration of the extension meters. * * * * * * * 12. Section 73.553 (a) is amended to read as follows: § 73.553 MODULATION MONITORS. (a) The licensee of each station licensed for transmitter power ontput above 10 watts shall have in opemtion, either at the transmitter or the extension meter location, or at the place' the transmitter is controlled, a modulation monitor of a type approved by the Commission for 11On·multiplex operation: Provided, That: (1) if the station is engaged in stereophonic operation, as contemplatecl by § 73.596, the licensee shall have in operation a modulation monitor of a type approved by the Commission for monitoring stereophonic opemtion, and (2) if the station is engaged in operation with a Subsidiary Communications Authoriza- 49 F.e.C. 2d Extemion illete1'il1g of B1'oadcast Tml1smitters 395 lion, as contemplated by § 73.595, the licensee shall have in opel'lI.tion II.mod\lla~ lion monitor of II. type approved by the Commission for monitoring SCA operation., NOTE.-'&pproved modulation monitoTs (non-multiplex, stereophonic, and SCA) are included on the Commission's "Radio Equipment List". Copies of this list are available for inspection at the Commission's offices in Washington, D.C., and at its field offices. * * * * '* * ., 13. Section 73.564 (b) is amended to l'ead as follows: § 73.564 STATlON AND OPERATOR LICENSES; POSnNG-oF. * $: * * * *' It (b) The operator, license, or Form 759 (Verification of Operator License or Permit), of each station operator employed full-time, part-time or via contract," shall be permanently posted and shall remain posted so long as the operator is' employed by the licensee. ' (1) The operator licenses shall be posted: ,0) Either at the transmitter 0'1' extension meter location; or (ii) At the principal remote control point, if tile station license au thorizes operatio ll by remote control. (2) PostiIig of operator licenses shall be accomplished by affixing the license to the wall at the posting location, or enclosing in a binder, or in serting in folder and retaining at the' posting location so that the licenses will be readily available and easily accessible at that location. 14. Section 73,565 (a) is amended to read as follows; § 73.565 OPERATOR REQ1J)'llEl1ENTS. (a) One or more operators hOlding a radio operator license or' permit of a grade specified in this section shall be in actual charge of the transmitting sys tem, and shall be on duty at the transmitter location, or at an authorized remote control point,o~'the position at which extension meters, ll.';; authorized pursuant to § 73.574 of this Subpart, are located. The transmitter and required mOnitors and metering equipment, or the required extension~etersand monitoring eqnip ment or the controls and required monitoring and metering equipment in an authorized remote control operation, shall be readily accessIble to the licensed operator and located ,sufficiently close to the normal operating location tllat deviations from normal indications of required instruments can be observed from that location. * * * * * 15. Section 73.574 is added new to read as follows; § 73.574 EXTENSION METERS. The extension of required meters is permitted, without prior authorization of the Commission, upon compliance with each of the following: (a) That the transmitter is in the same building as the normal operating loca tion of the station's licensed operator and is no more than one floor above or below the normal operating location. ,(0) That the path from the normal operating location to the transmitter is no longer than 100 feet and prOVides the operator with ready access to the transmitter. (c) That the required extension meters and monitoring devices are suffi ciently close to the operator's normal operating location that deviations from normal indications of such instruments can be obsen-ed· from that location. (d) That, for stations licensed for h'ansmitter power output greater than 10 watts, extension meters shall be installed for monitoring the direct plate voltage and current of the last radio stage and the transmission line radio frequency current, voltage, or power. The installation and operation thereof must comply with the same requirements prescribed by the rules for their corresponding regtllar, meters. ' (e) 'l'hat each of the extension meters required in paragraph (dr) of this section shall continuously sample the parameter fOl: which it was installed and constantly indicate that parameter. (f) That tIle extension meters reqUired pursuant' to' paragl'aph (d) of this section are calibrated against their corresponding regular meters as often 49 F.C.C. 2d of such calibration shaH' be entered i'll' the sta,tion's 396 Fedeml Oommunications Omnm,ission Reports as necessary >to insure theiraccurac~',!Jut in no event less than once a weel, and:· ' (1) The results maintenance log. (2) In no event span an extension meter be calibrated against another extension or remote meter. (3) Each extension meter shan be accurate within 2% of the valuerea~lon its corresponding regular meter.. (g) That, for statimls licensed for transmitter output greater than 10 watts, the station's modulwtion monitor is installed at the same, location a$ the ex tension meters: Provi<1ed, that, the modulation monitor may be instaHed at the tmnsmitter if the extension meter location is equipped witp. a percentage modulaqollmete~'and peak indicating'l:iQ.e· continuous' and 'accurate in,djcationS of pertinent~eYelsof total lllod\lJll,tiQn. 'E;tations licensed for transmitter power output of 10 watts or less shall llave in operation at the extended operating location, a percent mpd\llation indi,cato'r or a calibrated program lev,el meter frol,ll which a $3,tisfactoj:Y indication of the percentage of modulation of the transmitter can be determined. ' (h) That in the event a malfuncti(lH or' any component of the extension meter system caUSeS ina.ccurate readJngs, the perti]l.ent en,tries l'equired in the station's operating log m,ust ber~;l.daild logged art thl;'! specified intervals from the meters located at thetransmiW~~'.If a nlalfunction affects extended indica tions of the modulatiOll ulOni,tor-,th~\l~cep.seeshilll,pel)ding repair or l;eplace ment, provide other suitable means for monitoring modulation at the extension meter location. When a malfunction is detected, an appropriate entry shall be made in ,the station's maintenance log, showing the date of occurrence and iden tifying the indicating device(s) affected, An entry, appropriateJy dated, shan also be when repai.r or rePlacement is COmpleted. If a malfunctioning component cannot he rep!lired or replaced within e.o daYS fr(jm the date faulty operation is detect,ed, the Engineer in. Charge of the radio district in which the station is located shall be notifii;!c1( and request 1l)ade for such additional time as is needed to complete the necessary repair or replacement. (i) That the transmitter is so installed and pl'Otected that it is not accessible to persons other than those duly authorized by the licensee. 16. Section 74.584(a) is amended by inSel'ting a new sulJparagraph (4) and renumbering present subparagraphs (4), (5), (6) and (7) as (5), (6), (7) and (S) to read as follows: § 73.584 :MAINTENANCE LOG. (a) * * * (4) A notation of the resul'ts of calibration of each extension meteragainsl its corresponding regular meter, as required by § 73,574. The entry shall include a showing of each meter reading observed prior to recalibration of the extension meters. * * * * 17. Section 73,660 (b) is amended to read as follows: § 73.660 STATION AND OPERATOR LICENSES; POSTING OF. * * * * * .(b) The operator license, or Form 759 (Verification of Operator License or Permit), of each station operator employed full-time, part-time or via con tract, shall be permanently posted and shall remain posted so long as the operator is employed by the licensee. <:1) The operator licenses shall be posted: (i) Either at the transmitter or ex.tension meter location; or (ii) At the principal remote control point, if the station license au· thorizes opel'ation by remote control. . (2) Posting of operator li;ensess~anbe acco:nplished by affixing the hcense to the wall at the poStlllg location, or enclosmg in a binder or insert. ing in a folder and retaining at the posting location so that theli~enseswill be l'eadily available and easily accessible at that location. 18. Section 73.661 is amended to read as follows: 49 F.C.C, 2d Extension 111etm>ing of B1>oadoast T1'ansmittC1'S 397 § 73.661 OPl']RATOR REQUIREMENTS. One or mOr'e operators holding It valid radiotelephone fh·st·class operator license shall be on duty at the place where the transmitting apparatus is located; or where extension meters and monitoring deviC"es for monitoring critical parameters of the transmitter are located, as provided by § 73.678 of this Snbpart;or at an authoriz€cl remote control point established pmsuant to the provisions of § 73.677 of this Subpart ; and shall be in actual charge thereof whenever the transmitter is delivering power to the transmitting an tenna. The licensed operator on diuty and in charge of the television broadcast transmitter may, at the discretion 'of the licensee, be employed for other cluties or for operation of another station or stations in accordance with the class of license which he holds and the rules and regulations governing such other stations. However, such other duties shall in nowise impair or impede the required supet'vision of the television broadcast transmitter. The transmitter nnd required monitors and metering equipment, or ;the requiredextensio'n meters and monitoring equipment and other required metering equipment,or the con trols and required monitoring and metering equipment in an authorized remote control operation, shall be readlly accessible to 'the HC'ensed operator and located sufficiently close to the normal operating location that deviations from normal indications of required instruments can be obserVed fi'om that location. 19. Section 73.672 (a) is amended 'by insel'ting a new subparagraph (3) and renumbering present SUbparagraphs (3),(4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) as (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9), and as amended, will read as follows: § 73.672 MAINTENANCE LOG. (a) * * * (3) A notation once each week indicating l'esults of calibration of each extension meter against its corresponding regular metel', as required by § 73,678. The entry shall include a showing of each meter reading observed prior to recalibration of the extension meters. * * * * * 20, Section 73.678 is l'edesignated Section 73.633 and a new Section 73.678 is added to read as follows: § 73.678 EXTENSION METERS. 'The extension of required metei·s is permitted, without prior authorization of the Commission, uponCOinpliance with each of the fOllowing: (a) That the transmittel' is in the same building as the normal operating location of the station's licensed operatol' and is no more t.han one floor above or below the normal operating location. (b) Tha,t the path from the normal operating location to the transmitter is no longer than 100 feet and provides the opel'lltor with ready access to tIle transmitter. (c) TIlat the required extension meters and monitoring devices are sufficiently close to the operator's nOl'lual operating location that deviations from normal indications of such instruments can be observed from that location, (d) That extension meters shall be installed for monitoring the direct plate voltage and current of Ule last radio stage of the aural transmitter and the transmission line radio freqnency cnrrent, voltage, or powel' of both the aural and tile visual transmitters, The installation and operation thereof must comply with the same requirements prescribed by the rules for their corresponding regular meters. (e) That each of the extensioll meters required in paragraph (d) of this section shall contil11.10usly sample the parameter for which it was installed and constantly indicate that parameter. (f) 'I'llat the extension meters l'eqnil'ed pursuant to paragraph (d) of this section are calibrated against their corresponding regular meters as often as necessary to insure theil' accnracy, but in no event less than once a week and: (1) The results of such calibration shall be entered in the station's maintenance log. . (2) In no event shan an extension meter be calibrated against another extension meter or remote meter. (3) Each extension meter shan be accurate witllin 2% of the value read OlJ its corresponding regUlar meter. 49 F.C.C. 2d 398 Fedeml Oommunications Oommission Repm'ts (g) That the station's modulation monitor for the aural transmitter and visual monitoring equipment used to determine that the visual signal is main tailled in accordance with the requirements of this subpart are installed at the same location as the extension meters: Provided, that, these monitol'1ng devices may be installed at the transmitter if the extension meter location is equipped with: (1 ) percentage modulation meter and peaking lndicating devices Which provIde continuous and accurate indications of pertinent levels of aural modulation, and (2) suitable equipment for monitoring the visual signal so that it may be maintained in accordance with CGmmission requirements. (h) That in the event a malfunction of any component of the extension meter system causes inaccurate readings, the pertinent entries required in the sta tion's operating log must be read and logged at the specified intervals from the meters located at the transmitter. If 'a malfunction affects extended indications of the aural modulation monitor or the visual monitoring equipment, the li censee shall, pending repair or replacement, provide other suitable means for monitoring modulation at the extension meter location. Wben a malfunction is detected, an appropriate entry shall be made in the station's maintenance log, showing the date of occurrence and identifying the indicating device (s) af fected. An entry, appropriately dated, shall also be made when repair or re placement is completed. If a malfuncttonJng component cannot be repaired or replaced within 60 days from the date faulty operation is detected, the Engineer in Charge of the radio district in which the station is located shall be notified and request made for such additional time as is needed to complete the necessary repair 01' replacement. (i) That the transmitter is so installed 'and protected that it is not accessible to persons other than those duly authorized by the licensee. 21. :Section 73,691 (a) is amended to read: § 73.691 'MODULATION, MONITORS. (a} The licensee of each television broadcasting station shall have in opera tion, at the transmitter or extension meter location, an ,approved modulation monitor for the llural transmitter and sufficient monitoring eqUipment for the visual signal to determine that the signal complies with the requirements of this subpart. NOTE.-Approved aural modulation monitors are included on the Commission's "Radio Equipment List". Copies of this list are available for inspection at the Commission's offices in Washington, D.C., and at each of its field offices. * * * * * * * 49 F.C.C. 2d