PUBLIC NOTICE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1919 M STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554 PR Docket No. 93-61 GN Docket No. 96-228 News Media Information: (202) 418-0500 Fax-On-Demand: (202) 418-2830 Internet: FCC 99-2 Released: January 13, 1999 COMMENT SOUGHT ON SMALL BUSINESS SIZE STANDARDS In accordance with a recent ruling by the Small Business Administration (SBA), the Commission is seeking further comment on small business size standards adopted for the auction of Location and Monitoring Service (LMS) and Wireless Communications Service (WCS) spectrum. This ruling is detailed in the attached letter from the Administrator of the Small Business Administration. We seek comment on these issues for purposes of obtaining SBA approval of the LMS and WCS size standards. This action will not affect the outcome of the WCS auction or the payment obligations of WCS licensees. The LMS auction is scheduled to begin on February 23, 1999.1 In our rules for that auction, we adopted small business size standards and associated bidding credits for LMS to remove entry barriers and ensure the participation of small businesses in the LMS auction and in the provision of service.2 We sought comment, in general, on small business size standards for LMS, and one party commented on this issue. This commenter, Comtrak, recommended that the Commission adopt two small business categories in the LMS auction: (1) a "small business" category, for businesses with average gross revenues not to exceed $10 million; and (2) a "very small business" category, for businesses with average gross revenues not to exceed $3 million. 3 Comtrak also recommended that the Commission rely solely on gross revenues, 1 See Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Postpones December 15, 1998 Auction Date for 528 Multilateration Location and Monitoring Service Licenses, Public Notice, DA 98-2246 (November I 0, 1998). 2 ·Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Adopt Regulations for Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems, Second Report and Order, FCC 98-157, ~ 20 (rel. July 14, 1998), 63 Fed. Reg. 40,659 (July 30, 1998) ("LMS Second Report and Order"). See also Amendment of Part 90 of the Commission's Rules to Adopt Regulations for Automatic Vehicle Monitoring Systems, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule.Making, PR Docket No. 93-61, 12 FCC Red 13942, ~ 75 (1997) ("LMS Further Notice"). 3 Comtrak Comments at 4. 1330 and not the nwnber of employees, for the purpose of determining an entity's eligibility for small business incentives, as it has done in previous auctions. 4 None of the commenters addressed capital requirements supporting the suggested small business thresholds. The rules we adopted for LMS define a "small business" as an entity with average annual gross revenues for the preceding three years not to exceed $15 million. 5 They define a "very small business" as an entity with average annual gross revenues for the preceding three years not to exceed $3 million. 6 Thus, in accordance with the Part I rules concerning competitive bidding, small businesses will receive a 25 percent bidding credit and very small businesses will receive a 35 percent bidding credit.7 The WCS auction closed on April 25, 1997.8 In the expedited rulemaking proceeding for this service, the Commission adopted tiered small business size standards and associated bidding credits. 9 The Commission took this action to ensure that small businesses have the opportunity to participate in the provision of spectrum-based services, as required by Section 309(j) of the Communications Act. 10 The record in the WCS proceeding supported the · establishment of small business provisions. Several commenters urged the Commission to use tiered definitions, with levels similar to those employed for broadband PCS. 11 As was the case with LMS, none of the commenters discussed capital requirements supporting the suggested small business thresholds. 4 Comtrak Comments at 5. 5 LMS Second Report and Order at 1120. 6 Id. 7 Id See also 41 C.F.R. 1.2I IO(e). 8 WCS Auction Closes; Winning Bidders in the Auction of I28 Wireless Communications Services Licenses, Public Notice, DA 97-886 (April 28, 1997). 9 Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Establish Part 27, the Wireless Communications Service, Report and Order, I2 FCC Red 10785 (1997) at 111 I93, 194 ("WCS Report and Order"). See also Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Establish Part 27, the Wireless Communications Service, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking I I FCC Red 21713 (1996) at 1[iJ 62, 63 ("WCS Notice"). 10 47 U.S.C. § 3090)(4)(0). See also 41 U.S.C. §§ 309G)(3)(B) and G)(4XA). 11 See Comments filed by Rural Telecommunications Group and Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and Reply Comments filed by Total Telecommunications Services, Inc. For broadband PCS, a "small business" is defmed as an entity with average annual gross revenues of not more than $40 million for the preceding three ~ars; a "very small business" is defined as an entity with average anriual gross revenues of not more than $15 million for the preceding three years. See 47 C.F.R. § 24.720. 1331 The Commission adopted the same small business definitions for WCS as it did for broadband PCS. 12 Thus, it defined a "small business" as an entity with average annual gross revenues for the preceding three years not to exceed $40 million. 13 The Commission defined a "very small business" as an entity with average annual gross revenues for the preceding three years not to exceed $15 million. 14 The Commission established bidding credits of 25 percent for small businesses and 35 percent for very small businesses. 15 The SBA recently informed the Commission that the SBA is unable to approve the . LMS and WCS definitions because the Commission did not seek comment on specific small business proposals in the LMS Further Notice and the WCS Notice. 16 See Section 3(a)(2)(C) of the Small Business Act. Herein, we take this opportunity to solicit comments on the specific small business size standards that we adopted for LMS and WCS. Comments are due on or before January 20, 1999. To file formally, parties must submit an original .and four copies to the Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Communications Commission, 445 Twelfth Street, S.W., TW-A325, Washington, D.C. 20554. In addition, parties must submit one copy to Amy Zoslov, Chief, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Room 5202, 2025 M Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Comments will be available for public inspection during regular business hours in the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Public Reference Room, Room 5608, 2025 M Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. Action by the Commission on January 12, 1999. For further information concerning this proceeding, contact Ken Burnley or Arthur Lechtman, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418-0660. - FCC - 12 WCS Report and Order at ~ 194. 13 47 C.F.R. § 27.210(b). 14 Id. " 47 C.F.R. § 27.209. "' See Letters to Amy J. Zoslov, Chief, Auctions and Industry Analysis Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, from Aida Alvarez, Administrator, Small Business Administration (December 2, 1998), at Attachments A and B. 1332 December 2, 1998 AmvZosJov Attachnent A U.S. SMAL.L. BUSINESS ACMINISTAATION WA5111NGTON, c.c. 204115 OUef (Acting), Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Federal Communicatinm Commission 202S M Street. NW. s* Ploor Washington., DC 20554 Re: Request for Approval of Small Business Size Standard - Competitive Biddina Rules for VHP Public Com Service and Location Monitorina Service Dear Ms Zoslov: This is in respame to your letter of July 31, 1998, requestina Small Business Administration (SBA) approval of small business siZe standards 1br use in 1he auction oflicemes £or the two captionld services. The Federal Communication Commission (the Commission) adopted the following size standards fur both servi~: • "Small Business'' - one wi1h average annual poss revenues that do not exceed SI 5 million fir the Precedina 3 years. • "Very Small Business" - one wi1h averqe annual aross revmucs 1hat do DDt exceed $3 million mr the p~ 3 years. • "Small Business Consonium" - a conglomerate orpnization formed as a joint venture between or amcna mutually-independent business firms, each of wbidi individually satisfies the dc&itiOll of a small business SRA's decisions: The SBA hereby approvu the size standards fbr use in the Marldme Comm11dicatiom: Public Coast VHF Stadom (VPC) auetion. Alena with yoiJr letter you provided copies of the 'IJrUd Report and Order aNl M111110randum Opinion and Onar togelber wi1h the relevant colll!!lmU rect".ived on your proposal to adopt a Sl S million size standard for small business and a $3 million size standard for very small bumess. Your staff also provided supplemm1Bl infi.mmtion on this seivice to the Office of Size Standards at a meecina on October 11, 1998. when 1bey explained your basis for selectin& these size standards. Accordina to your stlft VPC is a very small spec1n1m and 1he mdustzy consists primarily of very small businesses. Commauen supPorted lows standards. 1houah not thae specifically. and one supported tiered size standards. similar 10 these used in other auctiam. To be consistent with the size standards established for other services usociamd widi ""-,_ . ..,...., .... -.. ,-... ....,_,_ 133"3 Amy I. Zoslov Page2 small spectrumS (e.g., 800MHz Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) Services and Interactive Video and Data Services), you selected the lowest size standards established. by the Commission for any service. We agree that the low~ size standard established by the Commission are appropriate for VPC. The SBA doa not approve 1he size standards fOr use in the Locadoa Monitorin& Servica lLMS) auction. Sectioo 3(a)(2XC) of the Small Business Act requires that .. Unless specifically authorized by statute, no Federal depar1ment or agency may prescribe a size standard for cateaoriz:ing a business concern a.s a small bu.!inea cone.em, such proposed siz.e standard- (i) is proposed after an oppom.anity for public notice and comment;" Neiihet 1he Federal Register notice or the rvf emorandum Opinion and Ord~r and Ful'ther Notice of hopo1td Ruls Malting (adopted August 28. 1997 and released September 16. 1997). for the lMS auction. proposed any specific size st3ndards; rather, they merely contained a general descnption of the subjem and issues involved. A general description does not satisfy the requirements of the Small Business Act for a "prop05ed si;e standard" offered for public comment Your letter explained why the Commissioo adopted these size standards. With the letter ~ copies of the Seccnd Report and Ord4r toðer with the relevant commm1S received to your proposal to establish biddina credits for small business. To supplement this infonmtion and to f\Jrther suppoz> adopting these standards. members of your staff met wi1h die OtBce of Size Standards on October 1. 1998. They explained that you had compared 1he size standards established for other license areas. particulacly 1be 800 llriliz and 900 MHz SMR Services and for Broadband Personal Corrununications Services (PCS). Accordlna to your sta£t: 1he technolOi)' for LMS Im some similarities w1th the 800 MHz and 900 MHz SMR Servi~ and the site and equipment costs for these three services are about the same. They a1&o stated that Broadband PCS. whh a higher size standard. has capital costs that are substantially higher than for LMS. Although public commems supported me establishment of tiered size standards for small business and very small business, we lack authority to approve 1he LMS special size stmu:iatm. We are pleased to usist you in this process, and are happy to work widl you and the Commission 10 assist small businesses. Ifyo'l hav. any questions an 1his matter or need additioaal . mfurmation concerning size Stlndarck, pleue contact Guy Iackscn. A.uistant Administrator for Size Standards, at (202) 20S~l8. Sincerely, ~ Aida Alvarez Admini!U'ISDC cc: Dr. Richard L Hayes 1334 Attaclment B U.S. SMAt.L 8USIN&:SS ACMINISTRATION WAIHINQTON, o.c. 2041& Uecember 2. 1998 Amy I. Z.O.lov Chief (Ac:tina). ·w-ueleu TelecommunicatiClllS Burau Federal CommwU.catiam Commission 2025 M Street, N.W. Wuhingaxi. DC 20554 Re: The FCC'1 Request for Approval of Small Business Sa Standardl - Competitive Biddin, Rules for the followina auctiom: Btoldband Personal Communicadoos Services (C, D, E and F Blocb) Wini• Communications Service.t Nmawb111d PCS -Phut m Pllina Sll'Yice1 Dear Ms. Zoslov: This letter respcnds, ill ,,an; to your requem of'May I, 1997. md of Auaust 21, 1998, that the U.S. Small Business Admimstratian (SBA) approvt (1) 10 small businea size standarda propo1ed by the Federal Communicaiiam Commi1aian \ml Commiuian'1 and (2) & very 1mall blllineu cateamy tO the scheduled re-auction of Broadband C Block. This letter speciftcally addreu• the small busineal size standards the Commission adopted for Broadband Personal Communicatiam (PCS) Seme11 (C. D, E and F Blocks). Wireless Communications Strvicel mcl Pqina Services, and proposed fbr Narrowband PCS - Pbue m Wiih thia letter, thereCore, SBA bu prcM.decl 1he Commission with a decision on its requested lize ltlndlrdl for all spectruma addreued in your May a. 1997, letmr. A. Qroadbaud Penaaal Commwdeadou Semas (C, D, E and r Blockl) Wireleu Commlllllcadonl Service1 · Namnrbud PCS -Pbue m R•quat-4 Siu~: For Broad.bind PCS and W'treleu Commuaicatiam Services the Commiuian adopted and tor Narrowband PCS - Pbue m it proposed a two-tiered deftnition of 11Slmll bUlines1," u tollows: • a small busineu ii Ill entity tlm. toaecher wid1 itl •Mliates and perscm or entities 1hat hold interest in such entity and their 1 ffl1iam, bu averaae annual srou revenues chat ace not more than S40 million for 1he precedina l years . ....... ....,... ,,... .... flt,._"'_,..,.,._ 133~ Amy J. Zoslov Pap2 • a very small business is an entity 1i11t toaether with its afllliates and persons or enti1ies that hold interests in such entities and their aBJliatts, hu averap annual gros1 reven\191 that are not more than SI! million for th8 precediq 3 yem. In addition, the Commission's size standardl tor the 3 181"Jicea include a consortium of small bu.11inesses and very small busineues u an eligible small buaineu. The Commilsion defined a consortium as a cooalomerate orpniution formed u a joint venture between or among mutually· independent business &ml, each of whic:b individually aatiaiea the deftnitim of a small business or very small busineu. ~PCS<:; D, E llllll F Block: The $40 milllcn small busineu me mndard b Broadband PCS D, E and F Block i1 th• uma standard the Commissica adopted fi>r the Broadbmd PCS C Block auction, and wbidt the SBA approved on November 4, 1994. The Commilsim adapted the same size standard because they haw similar capital costs. Moreover, ad.optina the same size standard avoids disruptions to the buaineu plans of potential bidders, particuJatly plrticip11111 in the BrOldband PCS C Block auction. Molt of the commenters on the propo1ed rul•1bat addrased the sWi ltlndards allo supported the cauinued un of the C Block size stlndard fbr the Broadband PCS D, E and F Black auction. 'l'be Commiuiml added the ••very small business" campy 10 mcourap ewn smaller business• to participate in 1his aucdon than in 1he C Block auction. Por the ume reuaa, 1he Commiuian m Auauat 27, 1998, requened approval to add a vmy amall bU1ineu catelQIY to the 1cheduled nHUCtian ot C Block Wlnlo~ Co~ SM'tlllJa: For the Wireleu Communications Servicea auction, the Cammiaion adapted the same size standards as for th• Broadband PCS avcticms. The Commissicn 1tata 1hat it is mostly largo firms 1bat operate nationally in 1hi1 spectrum that will realize scale ef!ciencies. Establilhiq biddiq creditl tbr smaller firms, however, will help them compete in reaional markets, particularly those smaller service area. of a size to make it euy for mnall and very small businesu1 to acquire licenses. All but one ot the panies commemina on iht Q>mmissic:m's proposed rule also qreed with 1he use of'1he PCS size standarda. NarowlHuul PCS-Phu III: In the Narrowband Pbum I and 11 auc:tiam, the Commillian used a sinafe $40 million small business size standard that SBA approwd oa April 20, 1994. For 1he upcomina Narrowband license auction, the Commislian propoHI cwo tien at small businelw. While S40 million definel a "small business, .. the Commission rec:oanizes the need to provide increued beneftm tD bidders 1iazU!cantly under $40 million. TM Commission propo1es, therefore, 10 define a "Vflt'f small businosa" with a S 1 ~ million standard. Narrowband capital requirem111ta are similar to thou for the Broadband P Block and the Broadband C Block, and these two-tiered size standards are consistent with those SBA ii approvin& for those aw:tionl. The Commilliaa 10ught cammmtl speci!cally an 1he 1336 Amy 1. 7..oslov Pqo3 necessity and appropriateness of these ltllldards, and wlw iyptS of compani• may ben.tftt While some ccmmenten •uuest other benefi11 for small busineu bidden, thl)' all support adoptina the size standards. SBA approwa tha $40 million "small buainea" and SI 5 millian "very small 'bulinul" dafmitions f'or use in the Broadband PCS C. D, I. ud r Block and 1hl Narrowband PCS- Phue Ill auctians. W• natl that fot 1hes1 sltYicll the Commiulan '1 rulm on afftlfation are tho same aa those SBA approved fm previous auctiom. Thi only 1ubmmial dift'areace botween these afftliatim rules and the SBA'• ii die additim al a sp.W gmsary fbr a small bu1m .. consortium. SBA recently liberalized m U!li&tion rui.. to proyide areater opportunity filt small busineaet to joint venture on larp Govemment proc:urtmmtl. We support the Commiuion'1 eftbrt to similarly broaden the opporrunities for small businesses to obtain licenst1 fbr tMle services. However, we reconunend that in the tbturt the Commislian consider d~ itl afftliatim rula. Under the existing language, members of a joint wnturt 1rt afBllltld, 11 are 1hole who are 111 identity of inierest, common manaaement, common ficiliiiel and cantrldUl1 relaiioaahipt. Thi• liftH.Uon rule does not indicate that 1mall buaine1..t 1hat A>rm a consortium. when lppfOWd far biddiq at auctiom, .. are not considered aflUiated wi1h an1 another, md we beliew 1hl Commillion should modi4' its affiliation Nie 10 explicitly Stat9 an excepdcn &om its afftliaticn provilicm tar canslomerate organizariam. SBA doet aot approve the $40 millian "lllllD bUlinla" and SU milUm "'vtf'/ ama1l business" deflnitiC!ftl tbr Ult in die WI ....... Cammmdcadam Sen1ce1 auctiaa. Sec:tian 3(a)(2)(C) of the Small Busin1111 Am requirtl dm .. unl .. apeciBcally awhcrized by atatute. no Fedml department or aaency may pracribe a aize ltlDdard fbr cateaorizina a business c:cncem u a small business concem, unl111 such proposed size ltlndml- (i) ii propoMd der Ill opportunity b public notice and comment;,. The Notice of'Propolld llulemakJna b the W'nl• Communicatialll Services, published in 1he F.araJ bf11•, on Nowmber 20, 1996, did not, ho'tWVlf, propo11 any specific size standardl; rather, it contained a pneral description olthe mbjectl and i111111 inwlwd. A general description doel not sadaiY the requiremal of tlw Smlll Busineu Act tor a ~roposod me standard'• offer~ fot public comment 'Iherelore, we lade authority to approve 1he Wireleu •Ptd*l siz.e standards. B. Papas Senias • "Small Buainet1" - m entity with mnp IJ'OU 1'1Ytftull 1hat do not exceed 1337 Amy J. Zoslov . Approwil: • $15 million for 1he pnctdina 3 yan. • $3 million fbr the Prec.dina 3 yun. • ••Smlll Bu1in•s Ccmortium" -a~ orpnizatian .fbrmld u ajofnt vemure beew.en or amona mu1Ullly-independmt busin•• fhma, each of which individually 1ad1fte1 die deSnitiaft of. ima1I businea. SBA approws the ma ltlndardl reqUllt9d fbr ute in thit IUdfon. the lize 1tlndardl 1tlected by the Commiuiaa rm an ccnsidirltionl reprdiq IPeGtnms chlncteristlct md 1b.e capital requiremems for Pllinl·S.-vtces. 'Iha Comi!Uaica souatlt ~the Cl[)ital requirements ot m1 paainl service in compariloa to ocher wlreleu HrVicel mdwbetbat small bulinenet &ce bairim . to entry into pagina MrYice bued ca lack of acctll 10 capital. Comments Ylritd from ibaH adwc:atma no credits to those advocaUna hlaher mdim. The Commillim canduded that there 11'1 pouibly siinificant capital eo1m. and 1blt 1ueh barrien do exist. The Coa:nmiuicm therefore adapted 1b.e proposed size standards and credi~. 1bat are the 11m1 u SBA IPPrcmd for UH in the 900 MHz • Specialized Mobile Radio (SMll) Jervicel auctim. We c:mclude ftoom this infarmation 1hat b 1bil auction these small buainel1 deftni1iam are aceepcable. Punber, 1hele size RIDdards are CODliltmt "irith 1hose we haYI alrtedy ippraved for other 11rvic:a, such u 1be 800 MHz SMI. and Phlle U 220MHz. .. W1 are pleued fD Ulilt you in thi1 procm, Ind n hlPP)' to work whh you llld 1M Commiuion to ISliat mnlll bulinel1a. If you have Ill'/ qUeltianl en ti1 IDlttlr' or need addltimal information concemina size ltlndlrda. pltue contlCt Oary M. Jacbon. Alliltam AdminiatratGr fcJ Siz.e Standards, at (202) 205-6618. cc: Ms. Cllherine 1. Smdov&I Honorable I-. W. GloY8r Dr. 1W:hatd L Hayti Sincerely, 1338